Love, hate, love

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Even though he did not know the reason behind Haldir's tears, he felt satisfied. He wanted to tell Haldir that this is what he deserved, that he could finally feel a bit of that pain that he was feeling, that he could go through some of the pain that he had to but he could not bring himself to, even though he desperately wanted to.

Instead, Legolas brought out a hand and let it hover above the others shoulder, slightly doubtful before he placed in on him in an aim of comfort "What's wrong?" He asked. Haldir wrapped him in a hug.

3rd person PoV:

Even though he did not know the reason behind Haldir's tears, he felt satisfied. He wanted to tell Haldir that this is what he deserved, that he could finally feel a bit of that pain that he was feeling, that he could go through some of the pain that he had to but he could not bring himself to, even though he desperately wanted to.

Instead, Legolas brought out a hand and let it hover above the others shoulder, slightly doubtful before he placed in on him in an aim of comfort "What's wrong?" He asked. Haldir wrapped him in a hug.

Legolas gasped in shock at the action but did not push him off. His hands lay awkwardly at his sides, frozen in place along with his wide eyes. Haldir did not answer his question from before instead he continued to sob with his head buried in the crook of Legolas neck, arms wrapped around the younger elf's shoulders, pulling him in so that they were uncomfortably close to one another.

Legolas regained his composure and let out a stuttering breath as he tried to think of what to do. He was usually the one being comforted not the one comforting someone else, so he found himself feeling quite lost in the situation that he was in. Legolas thought back to what Aragorn would do if he was this upset, vaguely remembering that Aragorn was still asleep in the room.

Legolas stumbled back slightly so that he could close the door to the room, hoping that the door would cancel out the sound from from this side as to not wake Aragorn up.

Legolas gently lowered them onto the floor, Haldir still clinging tight onto him. He tried to quieten down the weeping elf as he continued to sob but the sound only increased "What's wrong?" He repeated, desperately wanting to get an answer out of him so that he could at least have a clue as to why he was in the situation that he was in.

Haldir only cried harder in response, making Legolas feel lost at what to do. He gently (and awkwardly) stroked Haldir's hair in an attempt to calm him down.

Legolas remembered how good Eowyn was at calming him down when he had harmed himself and he wondered if she might be able to calm him down too. He hoped that Eowyn would not be asleep when he knocks on her door.

He sighed and lifted himself up, bringing Haldir up along with him and they made their journey to Eowyn's room, Haldir clinging tightly onto him.

Legolas knocked loudly on her door with his free hand "Uh...Eowyn..." He muttered "...Assistance please"

They heard hurried shuffling from the other side of the door and the door swung open to reveal a very tired but concerned looking Eowyn "What happened?" She asked before her eyes drifted to Haldir, eyes widening in shock when she saw the state that he was in.

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