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I got tagged.

1) @thehundredfandomgirl2) shorter hair I guess3) brown hair, quite long4)Lotr, hobbit, Harry Potter 5) u can see in my reading lists6)oh I don't know, maybe

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1) @thehundredfandomgirl
2) shorter hair I guess
3) brown hair, quite long
4)Lotr, hobbit, Harry Potter
5) u can see in my reading lists
6)oh I don't know, maybe...ARALAS
7)victuuri, my heart is always being crushed by the absence of confirmed gay couples, that is why I watched yuri on ice solely for dat gay
8)supernatural, lotr, my hero academia, aot, cold case files
10)nirvana, soundgarden, pearl jam, audioslave, AC/DC, black sabbath, led zeppelin, oasis, Alice in chains, temple of the dog
13)just going to tag random
ozzy-osbourne itsmaja2007 @24601mortensen LordoftheRing_fan13 Legolas-de-boi


"Yes, I did"

"Why?..." Legolas barely murmured above a whisper. That simple word completely broke Aragorn on the inside as his eyes shone with tears.

"Who could not love you?"

"Well Mattsuke obviously" Legolas chuckled, looking off to the side in a daze, his tears ceasing to exist.

Aragorn leaned forwards pressing his lips firmly against Legolas's. Hearing a slight gasp, he pulled back and smiled at the sight of Legolas's blushed face "Well I love you and nothing is going to change that" Aragorn confessed.

Legolas kept his eyes away from Aragorn and turned over onto his side "I'm tired"

Aragorn refused to acknowledge the heartbreak he felt at that moment. Legolas needed time.

"Outside?" He asked the obviously not sleeping elf.

Legolas just hummed a yes and rolled onto his other side so that he was facing Aragorn again.

"I love you too..."


3rd person PoV:

"I love you too..." Legolas answered, his eyes averting to the side.

Aragorn stared at him, eyes wide but heart filled with happiness "You love me?..." He exclaimed, his voice a bit too intrigued.

Legolas's face filled with a blush as he continued to look to the side "I'm sorry" He muttered, his voice obviously about to break. Stupidity smacked itself into Aragorn's face like an arrow to a target. No one should ever answer 'I love you' with a question, especially one that questions their love. What was he thinking?

Stag ain't (<that is the weirdest replacement for Aragorn. I mean, tho, he ain't a stag) leaned forwards, lifting Legolas's chin up with his pointer finger and thumb, forcing their eyes to meet between them as Legolas blushed, an embarrassed mess "No..." Aragorn mumbled, leaning forwards, his mouth brushing against Legolas's lips "I love you too..."

Legolas's eyes suddenly shot straight into Aragorn's "Are you sure?-" He replied, being cut off by his own self.

Because that was not what Legolas was thinking in that moment. He was not thinking about the pain, torture or absolute suffering that that Mattsuke had caused him, he only thought about Aragorn...Aragorn's love and kindness for him alone, everything that those evil men had done to him all went in that moment. Only Aragorn mattered...

"Thank you Estel..." He mumbled...happily, gratefully.

There he fell asleep, in Aragorn's arms, crying...but it was a peaceful sleep, no nightmares, nothing. Aragorn held onto him, cared for him and that was all that mattered. Aragorn.


"WAKE UP SLEEPYHEADS!" A voice boomed into Aragorn's tired ears. He slowly peeled his eyes open, aware of a presence next to him.

Legolas lay next to him, still asleep. Aragorn's body was wrapped around his, creating a protective and warm shell for the elf that he was cuddling. Remembering what happened the night before that led them to this position, Aragorn smiled and then frowned deciding that he did not know how he was supposed to feel. Legolas retelling his story brought him Great Depression but finding out that they both loved each other, both kissed brought a sense of happiness to his heart and he hoped to valar that it was the same for Legolas.

His eyes wandered up to the person that broke his slumber, his tired hands coming to wipe his tired eyes. Gimli stood there next to Eowyn, who was desperately trying to contain her happiness at seeing them in such a position.

"What?" He mumbled groggily, sitting up.

I bet u are sort of happy that the five chapters of depression are over, I thought I would space it out a bit more so that every chapter would not be depressing

Goodnight :)

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