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Fabian clutched at his hair and let out a sob, his body trembling as it wracked through his body. The door to the room opened and in stepped Mattsuke, bearing a malicious grin.

"No please...not again!" Fabian yelled desperately trying to put as much distance as he could between them as Mattsuke approached.

Mattsuke smiled and tilted his head to the side, fidgeting with the knife in his hands "Why..." He said "...Are you scared?"

Fabian wailed and shook, Fuyu watching from a distance with tears falling from her eyes. Please hurry, she begged to nobody in particular.

They prayed for the day that Legolas would come and save them.

3rd person PoV:

Haldir arrived the next day at dawn. Aragorn and Legolas stood outside to 'greet' him. Aragorn stood in front of Legolas rather protectively as he watched Haldir dismount his horse. Aragorn had a scowl on his face as he watched Haldir approach them.

Legolas watched calmly as he approached them but his nerves were wracking through his body as every second went by. As Haldir finally reached them, Aragorn walked forwards with a fist drawn.

Legolas held him back by his arm, watching as Aragorn's face contorted with anger as he watched Haldir look at them, confused but then he seemed to come to a realisation over something and he looked down shamefully "Aragorn you said that you would not do anything" Legolas whispered, only intending for Aragorn to hear but of course Haldir's ears picked up the small sound and he stepped back.

Aragorn relaxed slightly against him but he was still straining to get out of his grip "I know but that doesn't mean to say that I can't give him a bloody nose..." Aragorn growled but turned to face Legolas and Legolas was shocked at seeing how angry he looked "...For crying out loud he tried to kill you" He whisper-yelled to him.

"I think I know that..." Legolas scowled and he raised his eyebrows "...And when I said 'Don't damage him, we need him uninjured for when we save Fabian' doesn't exclude giving him a broken nose" Legolas whispered. Aragorn gave him a look before tugging his arm back from Legolas's grip and turning to look at Haldir who had been standing in front of them rather awkwardly.

Their was a short moment were they just stared at each other, not knowing at all what to say until Legolas broke probably the most uncomfortable silence that either of them have ever witnessed "Evening Haldir" (Evening Hagrid, I'm going to have to turn you in Hagrid) He said looking down to the ground to avoid eye contact.

"Hi" Haldir responded in common tongue, not looking up either.

Aragorn looked between the two of them and stood in front of Legolas again, shielding him from the eyes of Haldir as if he would break any second from only seeing him. Legolas stood out from behind him, annoyed "Aragorn I am not a child!" He half yelled to Aragorn.

Aragorn glanced at him "I know-"

"Let's just get this over with" Legolas snapped and walked back through the gates, Aragorn followed him and after, so did Haldir. Haldir did not even acknowledge Aragorn who was in front of him. He had not even greeted him but he guessed that that was better than being yelled at by someone who you considered your friend.

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