Your feeling is my fate

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Okay i am so soorrryyy, i lied this is not much more of a happy chapter



Wrong, Legolas had told him the truth but not the whole truth and Aragorn understood that as his face scrunched up, worry and more worry building up inside of him. The words that he had heard, the words that he had listen to fall out of his newly lovers mouth made him shiver. The added detail to the truth was much more disturbing than what Aragorn had ever imagined.

Under Aragorn's stare, Legolas kept his eyes closed. Words he mumbled, words he had heard and said long ago. He had not been brave enough to say them awake so he mumbled, mumbled and mumbled the words as he pretended to sleep. He was warning him, warning and shamefully confessing to what he had done. What they had made him do but still...what he had done.

"Leave me to wake him..." Aragorn heard Eowyn say behind him as he continued to stare down at Legolas with shock.

He simply stood up and carefully removed his hand from Legolas's now loose hands and stood himself up, gazing down at Legolas before walking off with Gimli in tow


3rd person PoV:

Legolas lay down, his head softly cushioned on the grass below him. He heard Aragorn's heavy footsteps slowly distance themselves away from him as the human walked off. Legolas sighed and softly peeled his tired and watery eyes open. He saw a thin figure slowly approach him through his watery veil of salty tears that protected his eyes.

Unable to control himself in the moment, the Prince softly stood himself up and wiped his tears away out of the eyes of others. Legolas saw Aragorn turn around at the noise, his eyes widened as they came to bare upon the frail form of the elf that he had come to love. Though, despite his bodies protests, Aragorn turned himself around and forced his eyes to shut. And he walked off.

Eowyn looked between the two of them, deciding that this was a matter to address between the two of them and not her. She wanted answers to the things that her mind questioned but she could not bring herself to it. It was not her problem, it was theirs, but still she could not help herself to be dragged into this. They were her friends, and even if it was not her problem, she still cared because Legolas was crying, Legolas was sad unlike the emotionless being she had first laid eyes upon.


(I know that Eowyn did not go with them but i like Eowyn and she can come. Plus i am making her seem like a stalker but she means well)

During the quest to rescue Merry and Pippin from SARUMAN'S tower, Legolas lay low, Aragorn not even daring to look at Legolas in the eyes let alone even look at him at all.

Eowyn stayed, in an abnormally loyal way, to Legolas's side. She did not even ask herself why, she just...did. The only real, obscure lead Eowyn had as to why she was being so protective was a feeling. A gut wrenching feeling, so strong that it made her cringe. She felt as if something bad would happen if she was not there for him, standing by his side. Eowyn did not want to sound selfish, but she felt that, if it was not her who was watching out for Legolas, then something bad would happen and she did not like to think what, even if she already knew.

The days that she had noticed him, watched him out of the corner of her eye, were solemn. She felt that she new more about him than she had planned to know and only a simple 'hello' and 'goodbye' was what she was planning on hearing out of him. But she had heard much, much more the evening before, She had heard everything. The words that she had heard would make her forever grateful for what she had now and what she had had, even if some of those moments ended badly. Eowyn may not have understood what Legolas had said in the morning, but yet she knew that it must not be anything good if they were acting the way that they were.


They arrived back at Rohan with Merry and Pippin, not long after the death of Saruman. Legolas had still not said much due to the obvious fact of Aragorn not shamefully avoiding him. He had noticed himself that he was not being very subtle about his emotions. If he could see how he looked, he only worried more about what he looked in the eyes of others let alone Aragorn. But the eyes of Aragorn had changed, he could not see the same love or affection in his eyes that they had shared the night before. Their trust was on a thin line, thinning by the second and undoubtedly snapable if any more lies would be to hold themselves between them.

Legolas did not and would never blame Aragorn for avoiding him like this. It was his own fault for thinning that string of trust into a line in the first place and it could not be changed no matter what might happen. He still had lied and lying was one of the things that he had told himself that he would never do to Aragorn.

To say the least, the Prince was undyingly angry at himself for saying those words to the man that he had grown to love. There was nothing he could ever do to resolve the conflict between them and he knew that, he understood that.

Aragorn had given Legolas his undying love, his trustable heart and in return, he had lied to the man, made the elf seem as if he were the victim as if he were lovable. All he had told the man had backfired on him with no regret at all for the suffering elf. The Prince could no longer see love in the mans eyes, not at all, not a speck...all for a lie.

Legolas sat with Eowyn stuck next to him like a rope was wrapped around them. Truthfully, Legolas did not want her company, he did not want anyone's at all. He just wanted to be left alone with his thoughts and whether that was a good thing or not, it was better than poisoning more people against himself. They sat in the food hall, next to one another. Nobody else sat despite the few strays sitting alone at tables with drinks in hand.

Even with the few around him and the woman next to him, he felt alone. Nobody could break through his void that he had around himself, no words could get through to him, no people could be seen. It was his void and it was filled with anger, hate, sadness. All he wanted to do was give up, nobody else would care now that he did not even have Aragorn. He felt that there was no point anymore.

Through the cracks of his open eyes, he saw Eowyn mumble words to him. She had been talking for longer now than he can remember, talking about nothing in particular, her story's, her happy memories of Rohan. It almost seemed set up, as if her words were meant comfort to him, meant anything to him at all. It was all nothing, nothing meant anything anymore.

Legolas slowly stood up, aching for peace and tranquillity. Ignoring Eowyn's questions and the stares of others, he stumbled off, mind numb and heart being tortured by the stabs of all of the hate that has enclosed him his whole life. He had given up, he was slowly walking towards giving up. everything was just too much, he could not bear in anymore.

This was his end, his fate. His whole life had been leading him to this moment and he would never turn back because for once in his life, he was able to look forward to something...

Next chapter will obviously have big warnings

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