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Legolas reluctantly walked over to Haldir, keeping a stoic expression on his face. He could see now that the elf's nose had completely healed although it was now slightly crooked.

They continued to stare at each other almost in a daze as emotions flared between them. It was Haldir who had broken the silent staring contest as he greeted Legolas in a formal manner, though he assumed it must be because his comrades were nearby "Prince Legolas" He had greeted, putting his hand to his heart. Legolas shifted his eyes to the ground, suddenly feeling uncomfortable and when he had looked back up, Haldir was mere inches from him. Feeling more uncomfortable Legolas took a step back, still having not said a word.

Haldir hesitantly put a hand on his shoulder and spoke words that confused him "When this battle is over, I need to talk to you"

3rd person PoV:

"When this battle is over, I need to talk to you" Haldir said, staring at him as if looking into his heart. Now looking at the elf in the eyes, Legolas felt an uneasy, strange feeling building up in his stomach. He stood back, slightly nodding and took off after his friends in a way to escape the situation.

He would not lie about the fact that he felt slightly worried for Haldir. It was not of the likeliness of the elf to seek Legolas for a 'talk' but that was what worried him more. Even a battle could do nothing to cease the tension he felt.

And so the battle commenced, despite the elf warriors on their side, it seemed as though an equal amount of elves died as men and the orc and Uruk-hai that had been defeated by them. It brought great depression over them by  the people that they had lost, though their victory outlived their sadness for a while and Legolas took that time to seek a room and rest.

Though it was when Legolas had finally found peace to sleep when Haldir found him. Legolas had had his head wedged between two pillows and his legs curled up to his chest. His hair had been damp from having a bath earlier to wash the grime and battle-ridden stenches from his body. Legolas was sleep deprived and felt that he needed the comfort of sleep desperately to take away his growing anxiety. It was as if Haldir would not have it, waking him up from his near slumber by the droning tone in his voice.

"You sleep" HAldir noted, this statement nearly brought out a laugh from Legolas, what would he profit from those words if he really was sleeping?

Legolas sat up grudgingly, he almost had the audacity to pretend he was sleeping "You were sleeping, do you not mean?" He sighed, he did not have any more energy to strike up a conversation or even reply, he mostly just wanted to rest his eyes.

Haldir looked at him and his damp hair, finally coming to rest his near icy eyes in Legolas's azure ones "Cin-nevermind (You)" He said, looking down to the floor with a red tinge in his cheeks. Haldir had always been prone to embarrassment when it came to confrontations. Legolas looked down to the floor as well, embarrassed all the same.

There was an uncomfortable silence that filled the air, breaking by naught but the twittering of birds that chirped outside the room's window.

Still staring at the patterns on the duvet that was wrapped around himself, Legolas finally looked up when Haldir shifted to sit down beside him on the bed, looking down at the princeling as if he were his father tucking him in for bed. Legolas felt anger boil up inside of him but he refused to break eye-contact with the elf. Haldir's gaze shifted down yet again, his lashes grazing against the skin under his eyes "Díhen- nin (Forgive me)" Haldir almost whispered.

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