Seventh star

496 33 4

⚠️Mentions of injury, trauma⚠️


Thranduil turned around once, eyes glimmering from the candlelight, silhouetted again by the moonlight in the distance "I don't care what you think about me or what I have done..." Thranduil said "...But this crown on my head could kill you with one simple order to my guard" He threatened and turned around, cloak billowing behind him as he swiftly walked off and around the corner.

Fabian sat himself up on the floor, moving his hand away from his slowly bruising cheek as he looked to the place which Thranduil had once been, fingernails scraping against the stone floor. He is no king.

3rd person PoV:

(This is set when Legolas and Fabian leave the hall)

Aragorn watched from afar as Legolas walked off to Fabian, who was leaning against the door of the hall, looking rather weary. Vision slightly blurry from the growing amount of alcohol entering his system, he decided that it was time to forget drinking and he put his half empty mug to the side.

Feeling slightly nosy as he continued to watch the two by the door, he couldn't help himself growing a bit curious, barely registering what Arwen was saying to him as he looked on. Aragorn saw Legolas whisper something to Fabian as he practically dragged his friend out of the hall.

This caught Aragorn's attention the most and his brows furrowed "Estel? Estel!" Arwen shouted, waving a hand in front of his face. Aragorn practically jumped, eyes snapping back to Arwen as the loud noise of the room came back to him at once.

He looked over her shoulder one last time, seeing them gone and his eyes travelled back to Arwen's "I see that your tolerance for alcohol has not grown much..." She joked as his attention was brought back to her "...You should rest, Estel. We will catch up in the morning" She said, leaning up to hug him before walking over to Lord Elrond.

Aragorn took one glance behind him, at the celebrating people and walked out of the hall to go and find Legolas.

His steps were slightly unbalanced as he walked down the hallway, head tipped to the side as he walked so that he could easily peer into the rooms for any sign that his friends were in any of them. He did not know why he did not just call out for them but something about how secretive they were acting told him not to.

Aragorn stopped in his tracks when he finally saw flickering candlelight peeking through a partially opened door. He walked towards it, hearing the whispering sound of voices grow louder as he did "...Can you just get it over with?" A timid voice, which he distinctly recognised as Fabian's said as he grew closer.

Growing curios, Aragorn stepped closer, trying to make the sound of his footsteps as quiet as he could "Fine...but you really won't like it" Legolas answered. Aragorn peered through the gap in the door, his eyes laying upon Legolas's back, starlight hair illuminated by the light of the candles. Fabian was sitting across from him, skin a ghostly tone of pale, red eye gleaming with a mixture of interest and worry.

"Well..." Legolas started, voice laced with nervousness. Aragorn supposed that whatever Legolas was going to tell him had been long kept secret "...When I left that place..." Aragorn paused, breath hitching as he listened. He was telling Fabian what had happened? Aragorn was glad that Legolas was telling someone but he could not deny that he felt slightly jealous of the fact that he was telling Fabian before him "...I just ran, even with my injures. I just wanted to be as far away from that place that I could. So as anyone would do, the first place to run to to that entered my mind was Mirkwood, since then I had considered it my home..."

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