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Legolas shivered slightly in fear when he felt that cold breath against his ear "Looks bad doesn't it?..." He asked making Legolas shake. Legolas tried not to look behind him, in fear that Aragorn would get suspicious or concerned. So he stayed staring blankly forwards as the cold, hoarse voice whispered in his ear, his words stinging on his skin the same way that his breath did "...Maybe it wouldn't have happened if you had gotten there sooner" Mattsuke taunted in a sing-song voice as a childish-like laugh rung in his ears.

3rd person PoV:

It was the evening and Legolas sat down in the darkness on his bed. Clutching at the sheet that had been fixed to the mattress as tears pecked at the corners of his eyes. He had skipped dinner again even though his stomach was practically begging for food and for an elf, that was saying something.

Tomorrow was Aragorn's coronation, the day that his love would be crowned King. How on Earth was he supposed to keep his composure through the whole day when a hoarse voice would whisper taunting things into his ear at any given chance?

The darkness of the room seemed to envelop him like a blanket, keeping him cold and vulnerable to the world but Legolas did not even seem to have the slight bit of energy to even to walk over to a candle and light it up. So there he stayed, in the darkness, cold, vulnerable and afraid.

Legolas's body jolted when he heard the sound of his doorknob turning and he quickly regained his composure, rubbing the tears from his eyes and facing the door. Though his body was still silently shaking from the shock.

"Christ it's dark in here" Was the first thing he heard, some of the light from the hallway seeping into his room as the figure, who he recognised as Aragorn, stepped in.

Legolas let out a small sigh, shaking his head slightly "You scared me, at least say something next time so I know who is about to enter the room" Legolas said, watching as Aragorn went to light some of the candles around the room, filling the room with its own light and heat as the man closed the door.

"My apologies, I did not mean to startle you" Aragorn apologised, coming to take a seat beside Legolas on the bed.

"It doesn't matter..." Legolas said, looking down to his hands that fiddled in his lap "...W-What are you doing here anyway?" He asked, the question coming out more rude than he had intended.

Aragorn chuckled softly "Coming to check on my hedgehog of course..." He grinned, smile slightly fading as he said the next part "...You don't really seem yourself lately. Is everything okay?" He asked on a more serious note.

"I am fine" Legolas muttered softly, barely audible to the man next to him.

"Really?" Mattsuke said from the other side of him and Legolas failed to restrain himself from looking to him, quickly whipping his head back around after he had realised what he had done. Aragorn gave him a suspicious look, watching as Legolas turned paler, illuminated by the warm candlelight of the room.

A small silence filled the room, not uncomfortable but not exactly comfortable. Legolas continued to fidget with his hands, only stopping when Aragorn's rough hand covered his. Legolas looked up slowly and their eyes met, turquoise meeting silver "I have something to ask" Aragorn said, breaking the silence.

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