Never would I leave you

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There was no reason for him to believe what this creature was saying but where else would the man be if not in the icy depths of the river below? They had already searched everywhere had they not? Almost as if in a daze, Legolas walked over to the very edge of the cliff and looked down. He watched as the foam of the rapids clashed up against the rocks far far below, searching at all for any sign of the man as memories of him flooded his mind. He did not care anymore, he did not care the slightest of what the man had done...he just wanted to be able to love him again.

"Aragorn!" Legolas called down into the water as images upon images of Aragorn's dead body corrupted the pleasant memories of the man. He called out again and again and again and again until his throat felt saw and the tears that ran down his face burnt his skin. Legolas softly sat down on the cold stone, never ceasing to mutter the mans name as he pulled at his hair, choking on his own gut-wrenching sobs. He felt empty...he felt lonely, he felt as if the pieces that made up his heart had been torn apart and left to drown in the icy water with Aragorn. He needed him.

"Don't leave me in this world alone...all alone"

3rd person PoV:

It was still light when Aragorn lay on the bank of the icy river that had nearly stolen his last fact the man had lay lifeless for what had felt like an eternity in the depths of his mind, the only thing willing to bring him back to consciousness being a passing memory of Legolas that distantly mingled with the light of the sun and pulled a deeper, more controlled breath out of the man. Aragorn, felt the light hit his closed eyes and the water from the river damp on his clothes as it clung to his skin.

Hazily opening his eyes, the man felt something alive nudge his face. Aragorn opened his eyes wider and he slightly smiled when they connected with the big brown eyes of his horse, Brego. And so, with a thought of Legolas and his comrades in his mind, he managed to mount his horse and took off to Helm's Deep.


As the company of Theoden arrived at Helm's Deep, Legolas still had not made a single noise.

Even after the elf had finally stopped watching his tears fall into the river, he had not made a single sound, he just stood up, wiped his tears away and walked with his head down among the company of Theoden. It was as if the death of Aragorn had silenced him, wrecked him, effected him so badly that even the slightest form of communication was taken away from him.

Both Gimli and Eowyn knew how hard Aragorn's death would be on the elf but not one of them would ever, in their whole lives would understand the immense pain that Legolas felt after that one moment, those two words that ripped through his heart 'H-Hes...d-dead'. Though the death of Aragorn had tortured his heart well, he had finally came to recognition of how much he loved the man but somehow this was the worst torture of all. To love somebody and loose them.

Presently, Legolas sat down on a wooden bench that sat at the top of one of the towers. He was not motivated to jump off no matter what the situation looked like as he knew that his remaining friends needed him in battle, though he had made up his mind that he would sail to the undying lands once all of this was over. For once he felt as if he was making a rational decision.

His mind, as well as his heart remained fogged over as he contemplated this decision and again images of what might have happened to Aragorn pierced his train of thought. What if the man had been alive, washed up on the shore of a bank when he had died? What if the last image of his life had been him, walking away as he lay bloody and beaten as he died choking on betrayal?

Far below, Legolas heard cheers, so willing to distract himself from his own mind, Legolas took off to investigate.

It was only when Legolas had neared the crowd that he stopped dead in his tracks. There the man stood, being cheered by the people around him, he looked dismal, bloody, beaten but alive. The man finally made eye-contact with him and he made his way out of eye-shot of the people, towards the elf. Legolas held his ground, possibly frozen from the shock at seeing him alive.

"You're late" He mused, tearful as Aragorn reached him, trying to smile. Though the man just stared back at him, studying his face as if it held such beauty and he reached up the stroke the Prince's cheek with his thumb "Im ind cin were firn (I thought you were dead)" Legolas finally let out and wrapped his arms around the man's neck and placing his head on his shoulder as he soaked the mans already damp clothes with tears.

"I would never leave you" Aragorn murmured and rested his head on Legolas's.

They stayed like that for a while, just holding onto each other as if their lives depended on it, they did not move until their legs ached but of course there was war ahead as Aragorn had said, so they needed to prepare themselves for the battle.

(In this they did not have that little argument)

They had been getting ready for battle in the armour room when they heard the blow of a horn and Legolas had been the first to hear it "That is no orc horn" He had said before marching off with Aragorn and Gimli in tow. Once they had arrived at the owner of the horn, Legolas had stopped in his tracks for the second time that day. There before them stood an army of elves with Haldir right in the centre.

"...We have come to honour that allegiance" The silver-haired elf spoke powerfully, looking to Aragorn and then surprisingly laying eyes on Legolas as they ran into view. Aragorn walked up to him, greeting him in the elven way before hugging him from joy. When they had separated Legolas gave the elf a cold stare from afar, watching as the other elf looked back into his eyes, unable to understand what he saw in them.

Legolas reluctantly walked over to Haldir, keeping a stoic expression on his face. He could see now that the elf's nose had completely healed although it was now slightly crooked.

They continued to stare at each other almost in a daze as emotions flared between them. It was Haldir who had broken the silent staring contest as he greeted Legolas in a formal manner, though he assumed it must be because his comrades were nearby "Prince Legolas" He had greeted, putting his hand to his heart. Legolas shifted his eyes to the ground, suddenly feeling uncomfortable and when he had looked back up, Haldir was mere inches from him. Feeling more uncomfortable Legolas took a step back, still having not said a word.

Haldir hesitantly put a hand on his shoulder and spoke words that confused him "When this battle is over, I need to talk to you"

Iiiiii have plans for Haldir, i am going to keep him alive

Iiiiii have plans for Haldir, i am going to keep him alive

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U get two pics this time yay

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U get two pics this time yay

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