And I learnt that I was a liar

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A crazed smile plastered its way onto Ezekiel's face and he pointed to Aragorn accusingly "You are right about that..." He said making Aragorn's face contort with anger "...It's about as hard to act as a nurse as it is for Legolas to not blame his father for being the mastermind behind the kidnappings"

"Now let's start this again shall we?..." He suggested watching as their faces turned to one of horror "...Hi, I am Ezekiel, the brain behind it all"

3rd person PoV:

"Now let's start this again shall we?..." He suggested watching as their faces turned to one of horror "...Hi, I am Ezekiel, the brain behind it all"

Legolas's hands fell down to his sides. It felt as though his whole body had just stopped. Stinging eyes refusing to blink or move from the person in front of him in which he was fixated on and the air that he was taking in was so little that it had started to hurt.

With the lack of response from legolas, a grin found its way to Ezekiel's face and he turned to Aragorn.

Aragorn was sitting their, quite the opposite to Legolas. His hands were clenched roughly at his sides, nostrils flaring and face tinted with slight red as he stared down at Ezekiel "Do you think that this is funny?..." He sneered, standing up from his position as he looked down at the man before him "...To try and scare us all by whistling in the dark and acting like you know what you are talking about? This isn't some game kid. How dare you scare Legolas like that!" He said, grabbing onto the scruff of Ezekiel's cloak and pulling him up to face him.

"Aragorn you are King now, you shouldn't abuse your power on me. They could get scared you know..." Ezekiel said, motioning with his head towards the nurses and patients who where gazing at them "...Or do you still think that you are that ranger that you were those years ago? Thinking that the world was your oyster and that you could bend the rules to however you wanted them. Because you see, that was what you did when you first entered Mirkwood forest" He said, speaking quickly.

Aragorn let go of Ezekiel's collar harshly and pushed him away from him so hard that he stumbled onto his chair "How do you know that I went to Mirkwood forest?" He asked, brows furrowed as his heart pumping anger and adrenaline throughout his body.

Ezekiel smirked from where he was sitting on the chair, pearly teeth showing through his parted lips as he did so. He gazed up at Aragon's angered face carelessly, arms relaxed by his side as his head leaned against the back of the wooden chair.

He did not answer, instead he continued on mindlessly "You entered that forest as if it were your own..." He said, head tilted to the side and grin still lingering on his lips as his fingertips drummed against his sides "...You trespassed, practically spitting on their rules as you entered"

"So you are getting your revenge by pretending to be someone you're not because I unintentionally trespassed?" Aragorn said, looking off to the side with a scoff as he tried to regain some of his self-control.

"No, no...that only makes me mad because it's someone like you who is doing it. It has nothing to do with me..." Ezekiel said, eyes flicking towards Legolas who had begun to silently shake, unable to comprehend what he should do in this situation. Ezekiel's front teeth bit at the corner of his bottom lip as he tried to suppress another grin.

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