Black rain

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^^Mattsuke by the way though I am pretty sure that that picture is of a woman

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^^Mattsuke by the way though I am pretty sure that that picture is of a woman

And also in this he had red eyes


The poor man's mind was racing with nothing but questions but only one stood out from the rest "What did he do?" He asked less calmly, more concerned.

"I don't want to talk about it, okaui? (Okay?)" Legolas snapped more viciously than he had intended to.

Aragorn paused for a quick moment in surprise but continued on plaiting the last plait, not before muttering a quick apology to Legolas. The rest of the time it took to braid Legolas's plait was spent in silence.

And when Aragorn had finally finished, they went to meet the others and they made their way to Rohan in silence...

3rd person PoV:

They arrived back at Rohan quicker then they had previously expected with silence still thick in the air, so tension-filled between the two that it could be cut with a knife. They were not exactly talking to each other yet they weren't ignoring each other and to be completely honest, Aragorn did not fully understand why Legolas was being so quiet other than the fact that he had mistakenly asked too many questions.

During the celebration, Aragorn and Legolas stayed together with Gimli and Eowyn, conversing quietly among each other before Legolas had soon begun a drinking game with Gimli. Aragorn watched over them along with Eowyn as they stifled their laughter at the pair. Legolas had obviously won due to the fact that he was an elf and could not get drunk easily. This left a passed out Gimli on the floor.

It was at this point though that someone, looking quite confused, approached Legolas from behind and tapped him on the shoulder, shyly "Are you Legolas?" The man asked as the elf turned around to face him.

Legolas tilted his head slightly and nodded, confused at the sudden appearance of the man. He was handed a letter by the figure who had noticeably shaky hands "What is this?" The elf asked.

The man with the messy-brown hair, looked considerably shaken "He..." The letter-bearer pointed to a figure who stood watching them. The three of them turned to look. The almost shadow-like figure's beared an unrecognisable face as he wore a dark cloak that covered up most of his face, the cloak hung down to his ankles. The only part that one could make out of him was a pipe that was held between two crooked fingers, smoke slowly seeping from the top almost lazily. The figure was leaning against a table, surrounded by no-one, almost as if the dark aura around him repelled any of the celebrating figures.

You could almost see a glint in the reflection on his eyes as he stared directly into Legolas's azure eyes with passion and not a loving passion at was a passion to kill or hurt. There was no love in the glint in that man's eye  "H-He wanted me to give it to you..." The man finished still shaken, looking traumatised. Before any of them could question any further, he had walked away with his head down.

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