Since I've been loving you

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"...L-Legolas" Fabian responded and as if on queue, Legolas turned around the corner. He looked worried and looked as though he was searching for someone.

"Legolas!..." Baldir said, following Fabian's gaze as he turned around "...What's wrong?" He asked.

"It's Aragorn..." Legolas said "...I have been searching for him everywhere and I can't find him"

3rd person PoV:

"It's Aragorn..." Legolas said "...I have been searching for him everywhere and I can't find him" 

"What do you mean Legolas?..." Haldir asked, head tilted to the side as if to further express what he had said "...I thought he was with you"

Legolas fidgeted with his fingertips "He was but when I woke up he wasn't there" He said, beginning to grow more anxious and impatient by the second as Haldir kept seeking more answers.

Fabian have Legolas a concerned look, creases forming between his eyebrows as he pushed them together to create a frown. I hope they didn't do anything, he thought. The cool metal of the dagger stinging his skin as he hid the weapon behind his back.

"Where have you searched?" Haldir asked.

"Practically everywhere inside Gondor, though I can see no reason as to why he would leave the walls of Gondor at this time" Legolas responded, the fidgeting of his hands increasing as he grew more worried. He looked up timidly and gave a somewhat pleading gaze to the two of them.

"Do you have any idea as to where he went?..." Fabian asked. Finally speaking up as their attention was brought to him "...M-Maybe he just went out for a walk? Or there was something urgent that he had to see to..." He said.

"I don't really see that anything urgent could have happened..." Haldir said just as Legolas's eyes went wide with realisation "...If that was the case, he would have notified us too"

As realisation dawned on Legolas, he swiftly turned on his heel and hurried back around the corner in which he had appeared from. Fabian and Haldir stood dumbfounded at Legolas's sudden disappearance and turned to look at each other with a look of confusion on their faces.

Fabian gave a nod to Haldir as if giving him permission to go after Legolas. Haldir began to move forwards, as did Fabian. Though as the short-haired elf took his first step forwards, he seemed to forget of the dagger that he had been holding behind his back. His muscles loosened and his fingers retracted from their grip on the metal handle. The blade fell from his hands, the high-pitched sound it created afterwards as it clattered to the floor, ricocheting off the walls.

Fabian leant down to pick it up just as Haldir turned around. Having had the time to see the candlelight reflecting from off the surface of the dagger, Haldir's concerned gaze was brought upon Fabian.

Not having the strength to be confronted just yet, Fabian ignored the look that Haldir gave him and began to slowly walk his way past the other elf. Haldir grabbed his shoulder to stop him, though Fabian did not spare him a glance even as he did so.

In all truth, Fabian felt quite embarrassed that he had turned to homicide to deal with his problems than face them straight on. Though at that moment with the blade in his hands, it seemed like the only logical thing to do and he would not deny that he had felt like he was finally getting vengeance for himself and Legolas.

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