Crown of thorns

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The pic above is mine
Hope u like it
⚠️Character death, violence, graphic descriptions of blood and drowning⚠️


"-I thought that you were my friend. I thought that you..." Fabian cried as he cut Haldir off "...But you tried to kill Legolas?!" He yelled, not finishing his last sentence.

"Fabian I-" Haldir attempted again but this time he was cut off by Aragorn.

"FABIAN, WATCH OUT!" But it was too late, a blade had pierced through Fabian's heart.

3rd person PoV:

"FABIAN, WATCH OUT!" But it was too late, a blade had pierced through Fabian's heart.

The once scarlet blood that had pumped in his veins, oozed to the shiny tip of the blade sticking out from his chest. Thick droplets fell from the sharp tip and fell to the muddy ground, staining the earth crimson as blood began to pool from the corners of his lips, connecting at the edge of his chin and falling helplessly like droplets of water flowing down a windowpane.

Time seemed to slow down for Legolas. He could barely register the way Aragorn had run forwards with his sword drawn, the way Haldir's body froze in shock as he stared into Fabian's eyes that once danced with light now vacant and staring, he did not even hear the uncanny shriek of Fabian's name that he himself had let out as it ricocheted of the trees in the dark and dense area around them.

The pale complexity of Fabian's skin turned an unnatural grey, illuminated by the dim glow of the morning sun peeking through the gaps in the trees. As the blade retracted from inside of him, Fabian's lithe form began to fall forward, head tilted back and body immobile as his eyes began to droop shut. It was as though the sword through his heart had been the only thing to keep his lifeless body standing. It was as though he was already dead before the blade even brushed the skin on his back.

Haldir rushed forwards and grabbed onto Fabian's now bloodied hand, staining his own skin crimson. Fabian fell against him, the thick, sticky blood that pooled out from the wound on his heart staining the fabric just above his own.

Haldir's hands gripped tightly onto Fabian's back, feeling the wound expelling more blood from both ways. His thin fingers created creases in Fabian's royal blue robe as he pulled the elf even closer against him, cries of his name escaping his lips like sobs, the heartbreaking sound polluting the air and embedding itself into their minds like a stain that you could never get rid of no matter how many times you tried to scrub it away.

As time came back to Legolas, he rushed forwards, mind numb and unable to process anything other that the dying figure of his father figure laying practically motionless in Haldir's trembling arms. Tears blurred his vision but he did not care to spare them a thought as the scene in front of him came unbearably closer into view.

Unable to hold the weight of Fabian, Haldir gently lowered him onto the ground. He refused to look away even as his lips trembled, beads of water forming at the corners of his eyes and gently slipping over the barrier that held them. He stared silently at Fabian's agape mouth and slowly closing eyes, tears falling from his chin but he put no effort in to stop them.

"No no no no no no, don't close your eyes" Haldir said, the words coming out of his mouth like a dam holding back water that had started to leak over the edge. He could not say anything without more tears falling. Haldir tapped the skin on Fabian's face gently with his hand, attempting to reawaken what was slowly slipping away.

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