Rising suspicion

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⚠️ Panic attack ⚠️


"I can't" He stepped back and gave me a fake smile "Namaarie (farewell)" he didn't do the elvish farewell, instead he just slightly raised his hand and looked back into the forest.

"Namaarie, Mellon nin (farewell, my friend)" I turned my head around to face the land I was going to cover and closed my eyes "Just make sure the wound doesn't get infected, it would make it more painful than it seems. Promise me...Mellon nin? Mel-" I turned my head around to face him again but he was gone, vanishing back into the cover of the forest.

I sighed and took one last look at the forest before trotting off on horseback, hearing the soft humming of the crickets and the music of the birds. I didn't pass much on my way back, however close to the forest was a small fire with three men gathered around it. I didn't really pay much attention to them as I walked by and they didn't seem to either, in fact, they kept their faces covered. I didn't find it that strange as I did it so myself, so I carried on with my journey with the Prince on my mind.


Aragorn's PoV:

Years had passed and I had nearly forgotten about the incident but only when I arrived in Imladris with the hobbits, did I remember. For the messenger of Mirkwood had come, with his guards.

He stood outside with his horse looking nothing like he was the day I left him; his hair was glowing brighter and had well-tied plaits along with his golden locks, he was wearing a silky grey cloak that magnified his stunning appearance. I cautiously made my way over to him, taking in a deep breath before giving away my presence "Prince Legolas"

His head whipped around with an annoyed look but his demeanour completely changed when he noticed me. His eyes went wide and he took a step back, his face going deathly pale "Aragorn, what are you doing here?"

"You know each other?" Two voices said behind me in unison, which I instantly recognised as Elladan and Elrohir. I turned to look at them, surprised to see their shocked faces "Estel, I thought you had never met Legolas in your life?"

I turned to look at Legolas and then back at the twins "I met him...on the way back from one of my journeys"

"Estel-" Elladan grabbed my arm and pulled me away from Legolas, Elrohir following by my side to make sure I did not escape "-You know I can see through all of your lies"

I groaned and followed them, giving in to defeat until we reached an empty room "So what are you hiding?" Elrohir said as he plonked me down on a chair, they looked down at me with expectant stared and I felt like a small child again.

I looked down to my feet "I got lost in the Mirkwood forest and he showed me the way out" I mean I was not really lying.

"What was he doing in the forest?" Elrohir asked seeming more concerned.

"He wouldn't tell me" I answered hoping that the questions would stop.

"Why didn't you tell Ada or us?" Elladan asked.

"I forgot" He arched an eyebrow and I sighed giving in "I don't know...I guess there was something about him that made me not tell anyone. Yes I was worried...but it's over his own will, I know he would be embarrassed if I told anyone, he is a Prince and he probably thinks that he is expected to not be-well..."

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