Man on the silver mountain

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Aragorn pulled Legolas closer to him a tear falling from his right eye "You are not insane Legolas..." He said "...You said that he whispers things to you when you are angry or upset?..." Aragorn asked, continuing on when Legolas nodded against him "...Then we just won't let you get angry or upset. How about a day together tomorrow, just you and me?"

"You are becoming King tomorrow, Aragorn" Legolas said.

"Doesn't mean to say that I can't spend time with my little hedgehog"

3rd person PoV:

Fabian stared at his reflection in a mirror. Staring back at him was a figure that Fabian only saw as a ghost. Porcelain skin, unevenly cut black hair, one blood-coloured eye and a sunken in face that brought out the bandage wrapped around his once golden eye. Ignoring his hideous state, he began to plait his shorter hair, in the elven way that it used to be before.

"You don't have to go to Aragorn's coronation today, you haven't healed fully yet and it would be bad on your wounds. I am sure that Aragorn won't mind" Haldir said, walking up to stand next to Fabian.

Fabian's gaze in the mirror turned to him, face remaining blank and voice monotone as he spoke "Aragorn, along with Legolas, Gimli, you, Eowyn and Eomer, saved our lives...the least I could do is watch him be crowned king" He replied, hands going back to braiding a thin plait in his silk-like hair. Haldir sighed from behind him.

Nearly finishing his braid, Fabian noticed a long, uneven lock of hair sticking from the bottom of the plait, the shorter hair above it being to short to catch up to it making it look unpresentable.

"Let me help" Haldir said and slowly took the lock from Fabian's hands to his as to not startle him. Fabian looked to the ground, slightly embarrassed as Haldir's fingers gently worked a small plait in his jet black hair.

"I-Is King Thranduil going to be there?" Fabian asked after a short silence.

"To watch Aragorn become King?" Haldir asked, looking to the mirror to see if Fabian had nodded. Fabian nodded his head slightly in answer "I am not sure about King Thranduil but I know that Lord Elrond and his kin will be there.

Fabian nodded solemnly, he desperately wanted to see his friends again and his King.


Legolas stood next to Eowyn, looking around frantically. He hoped that his father had not come to watch Aragorn be crowned King. He had not thought about it until now. Though as his azure eyes looked around a second time, his eyes met the cold and unforgiving ones of his father.

They stared into each others eyes for what felt like an eternity. Legolas felt as though his whole body had frozen from the shock and fear of seeing his father here, eyes unable to stray any direction other than forwards as if hypnotised into staring into the cold abyss of King Thranduil's eyes.

Legolas managed to pull his feared gaze away from his father and down to his feet. His hands started to shake and he clenched them into fists to hide it, skin turning pale and eyes blown wide. He remained standing silently in fear as he waited.

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