Start it cold

522 28 18

⚠️Character death, violence⚠️


Aragorn, beginning to get quite stressed at Ezekiel's lack of care, lunged forwards with his sword in hand.

A second later a call could be heard from the distance and three pairs of feet ran into the clearing "Aragorn!"

3rd person PoV:

A second later a call could be heard from the distance and three pairs of feet ran into the clearing "Aragorn!" Legolas yelled as the three came into the sight of Ezekiel and Aragorn.

The three stared in shock at the sight of Aragorn's bloodied figure, fingertips barely holding the hilt of his sword. A prideful smirk found its way to Ezekiel's lips and he turned to look at them, pale grey eyes lingering on Fabian. Legolas swiftly pulled an arrow from the holder on his back and readied his bow, which gave a slight stretch at the force as he pulled it back and aimed.

"Drop your weapons!" Legolas yelled at Ezekiel. Behind him, Haldir's fingertips brushed against the end of an arrow. Fabian stood stock still, dumbfounded. He did not know quite what to do in this situation, which he would have otherwise found easy to handle if it were not for the growing fear building up in his veins, brought on by the evil that he had gone through, forcing him to always fear the worst.

Ezekiel stared, not seeming to be bothered by Legolas's threat. He continued to stand there, staring at them with a glimmer of insanity in his eyes. Ezekiel's distraction gave Aragorn enough time to struggle his way to his friends, hissing in pain as he leant against many bruises and deep cuts.

"What were you thinking?" Legolas, whisper-shouted to Aragorn, not sparing the man a glance as he continued to aim the silver tipped arrow between Ezekiel's eyes.

"You know I was not just going to let him live after what he had done to you" Aragorn answered, Legolas sighed. Fabian and Haldir looked over to Aragorn confused.

"But Aragorn..." Haldir said, head tilted half-heartedly to the side as he continued to peer at Aragorn from behind "..Didn't we kill Mattsuke?" He asked.

Before Aragorn even had the chance to answer, Ezekiel spoke up. His cold voice sending shivers of ice down their spines "You know, I get quite jealous when you give Mattsuke all of the credit" He said, watching as their considerably fearful gazes returned upon him.

Though Haldir and Fabian had not yet heard or witnessed what he had done, seeing Aragorn this beaten up gave them a reason to be afraid. Aragorn was a strong fighter who had killed countless enemies with but receiving a scratch, now seeing him facing a man with little defence and a sly expression as Aragorn stood bleeding and bruised, forced them to grow increasingly weary.

"How does he know about Mattsuke?" Fabian asked, his eyes not wavering in any direction but into Ezekiel's stone cold eyes. Aragorn pursed his lips shut and did not answer. Legolas on the other hand, spoke of what had happened without the bat of an eyelid. Whether Legolas was too tired to feel any emotions whilst saying this, he did not know. Though he guessed that the amount that had happened in this one day had built up on him until all he could think about was anything but the problem that they were facing head on.

"He is the one who is behind it all, it was not Thranduil. He disguised himself as a nurse to get in our way and then revealed the truth" Legolas said.

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