The watch

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I am rly sry about the wait I had a bit of a writer's block. I hope you enjoy this mildly long chapter :)


"Yes" He giggled, placing his hand over his mouth to muffle them, embarrassed apparently as his cheeks turned a cute tinge of red. 

"Do you love anyone?" He asked when it was his turn, nevertheless when his continuous giggles had subsided. 

I tensed "No" Yes.

"Rough subject?" He asked, I hummed "We can talk about it if you want?" Legolas asked giving me a sympathetic smile.

"I would rather not" I said lowering my head as I felt his eyes bore into the side of my head.

"Tanya naa tereva (that's fine)" He said leaning over to smile at me as we locked eyes yet again.

"Anyway...let's continue" He nodded. This went on for a while; questions being asked and answered between the two of us. I had gotten to know him very well and as he left, my heart felt empty without his presence. He seemed to bring light to me, a certain light that had been missing for all of those lonely years. He was a good friend.


Legolas's PoV:

We walked from Rivendell, Gandalf in the lead. The path that we would follow would be intimidating to all of us; trusting one another to watch each other's backs, to save their lives and...oh what a burden we carry, a simple ring that could drive any of us to insanity. But what is sane? We all were walking to the same desire; to destroy the ring, but what was there to hope when any of our minds could or would be corrupted by the gold rings evil vibe? Any one of us could turn on the fellowship. I decided I should watch each and every one of the members with pierced eyes. 

And so we walked and walked through almost endless plains of grass, my eyes focused as I studied each member of the fellowship with curious eyes. My hand traveled to the hem of my cloak fiddling with the soft fabric as it danced in my hands. It relaxed me. I noticed that they all had one objets that they carried from their homelands, something that just describes them; Gandalf with his old grey cloak, Boromir and the horn of Gondor, Merry and Pippin having each other, Sam and his horse bill, Frodo and his gardener Sam, Aragorn and his mysterious necklace and me with my necklace that held a pendant of a star. These simple objects kept us sane.


"Legolas will you take the first watch?" Aragorn asked as the night creeped near. We had set up a little hidden campsite that was in a small cave at the very edge of a forest that we had somehow stumbled upon.

I forced a laugh, why does he doubt my capability of staying up the whole night? I enjoy the silence of the night "I will stay up the whole night, I don't need sleep" Aragorn furrowed his eyebrows in concern "Estel why do you doubt me?" I asked reading his thoughts.

"It's worry not doubt, Mellon nin"(Okay Tell me if I'm wrong but should I even do a translation for 'Mellon nin'? I've used it so many times and I think everyone has gotten the idea of what it means) He said slightly raising his eyebrows, before I could answer he had walked back over to the fire o cuddle up next to it along with rest of the fellowship.

Before long, silent snores could be heard from the hobbits as I sat steadily on a rock with my bow and arrow in hand.  I began to hum a tune that my mother had sung to me before she had died as I stared up at the stars.

The silence was comforting, no loud talking from the hobbits or the grumpily commands of Gandalf, I could only hear soft snores and the crackling of the fire. The sounds of the nature made my head slightly lull in tiredness and my eyes dropped. No.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I sat up, opening my eyes and putting my head back into position as if I wasn't just about to fall sound asleep. But the figure noticed, his voice gruff which I recognised instinctively as the ranger "I am not silly, I can tell when you are tired"

I groaned "if I was tired I would have woken you up so that you could take over the watch. But Estel I am fine, so go back to sleep!"

"No it's my turn to take the watch, it's not fair on you"

"Estel go back to sleep" I said giving him a warning glare. 

"I am an adult, Greenleaf!" He laughed "Don't make me carry you" I groaned at his threat. 

"Do i have to spell it out for you? I. Am. A. Elf"

"That's it" He picked me up and walked over to the blanket he once lay in as I struggled to get free. Placing me down on the blanket, he covered me over with another and kissed me on the forehead, making me blush. He was teasing me, acting as if I was a stubborn child "Goodnight little leaf" he whispered snickering although I could see his cheeks tinted slightly red through the dark. 

I groaned "Estel I will never forgive you for this"

Instead of answering he just laughed and I could feel a smile creeping it's way to my lips.

I stayed up all night, my eyes open and I buried my head in the blanket so that Estel would not get suspicious. I was too tired, yet too afraid to go to sleep the simple thought sent shivers up my spine and I remembered the day that I promised to myself...I would never sleep again. 

We began walking again once everyone had woken up. We walked past various rocks, hills all the while passing mountains. 

So after debating we decided to take our journey up a mountain, a very snowy mountain.


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