Election fever

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It was a regular G8 meeting, the countries gathered throughout the table. And of course China and Prussia both are there for no reason. But, America is missing.

Suddenly, the door slams open and gets stuck in the wall. The figure who did it giggles profusely and slams it closed after him.

It was America, but he was still in some casual clothes with his jacket splayed on top. In his hand was a big bottle of something. But, it was clear to see he was drunk off his ass.

He couldn't walk straight, he stumbled left and right before slumping down in his chair and taking a huge swig of whatever drink.

"Sorry, hic I'm late." He giggles

"Alfie, your drunk."

"Yup, have been for the past 4 days, 15 hours and 30 minutes." Alfred recounts

Matthew grabs his brother and finds he is burning up, he places his hand against Alfred's forehead. It was boiling hot.

"Jeez Alfie, you have a fever. You should be at home." Matthew said

"Nope, I'm here for the meeting." Alfred said

Ivan calmly removed his glove and places a cold hand on Alfred's forehead, Alfred sighs as the cold country cools his brain. The two don't mention it.

"What the bloody hell is going on?" England barks

"Hmm..According to my sources in America, their is a election going on that finally got results after 4 days of counting. All of that on top of the threat for a 2nd cival war. " Matthew says

"Heheh, yup. The whole country is just gonna...boom! Implode!" He laughs obnoxiously before taking another swig.

Matthew steals the bottle, he smells in and looks at Alfred. "Alfred F Jones, is this moonshine?!"

"I will neither confirm nor deny that statement." Alfred said, trying to get closer to the cold Russian country calmly cooling him down.

"Idiota, what did I-a say about moonshine?" Southie, who apparently snook in with the other two, said.

"Um, don't drink it." Romano nods. "Unless it's a special occasion, life is going to shit, and/or when I need to forget something fast." Alfred then quoted, Romano sweated because he did say that.

"Jeez, I'm confiscating this." Matthew says

"Nooooooo, mon amour come back." Alfred moans as he grabs for the bottle.

Ivan grabs him so he can't chase Matthew, who at this point is sealing up the bottle. Alfred pouts, he gets a ding on his phone.

"Holy fuck, Biden is the next President. Fuck me gently, I was scared for a moment. Then again, Trump supporters are gonna call bullshit and cause a new world of headaches. Just kill me." Alfred said before flopping down face first on the table.

"I want to go home." He then mumbles

"Let's go Alfie." Matthew picks his brother up and though not as cold as Russia he is still a cold country. 

"Mattie, Mattie look! Pink fairies man. Everywhere." Alfred pointed at the wall

"Please don't tell me." Matthew said

"Haha, I stole Rado's weed stash and smoked it all night long." Alfred giggles

"If she didn't love you so much, she would kill you." Matthew says

"Nah, she was high off her ass. She already knows because we smoked most of it together." Alfred giggles.

"Aren't you worried your children are doing drugs?" Matthew says

"It's the end, I ain't stopping them." Alfred giggled

"Let's get you home, sleep off...all of this." Matthew said

"K." Alfred said

The two leave and presumably go to Alfred's home, it's boarded up and set up like a fortress. Like he was preparing for  someone to attack him.

States mill the grounds in Military gear, looking serious as hell. The others are inside having a party, getting high and drinking away the memories.

Matthew opened the door, it looked like a teenage party off the deep end with drugs being passed around and alchohol not so subtly chugged. Matthew passes them and places Alfred in bed where he then locks him down with the sickness restraints.

Alfred pouts, but Matthew doesn't say anything as he begins to care for the American.

"Go to bed." Matthew commands

"K." Alfred closes his eyes and passes out in 2 seconds.

"Get better soon, I'm gonna go ring in the children." Matthew said before leaving to go get the others to rest as well.

A/N- I...I try to avoid being political, but because I'm in AP gov I had to be. And my friend (offical_Michigan) said she wanted to see this so here it is.

What is editing?

Au revoir!

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