The Witch of the North

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Legend tells of a kingdom, a kingdom with 4 witches. The witch to the West was a grumpy man who doesn't do anything for anyone. The witch to the East was a wise, well-aged man giving when it was best. The witch to the North is a kind and caring young man who gives what you need even if you didn't know you needed it. The witch to the South is sporadic, but he does care giving things that people ask for.

There is a tale, of a knight who appealed to the Witch of the North to fix his broken heart. The witch did, and the two were forever connected. Ivan Braginsky was his name, he was a proud knight of the kingdom. Serving the people and the royal family. He fell for the princess of the castle.

She said it was meant to be but clearly not, for Ivan found she was cheating on a foreign prince with him. He broke it off, his heart shattered, and grew cold. Ivan tried to continue his life, but his heart hurt and it was hard to continue. So, he got on his horse and rode to the temple of the witch of the East.

The witch closest to him, Yao was a kind and wise man. He looked young but was really thousands of years old. His magic was strong but it can be a bit...Strange at times. He got to the temple and knocked on the temple doors, they opened at his touch and he was hit with incense that smelled of sweet cherries.

The man was sitting down, wearing a simple red robe-like outfit Ivan couldn't name because he was unfamiliar with the culture it came from. The witch's long hair was pulled back in a simple ponytail.

"Aiya, welcome. You surprised me." The witch said "Would you like some tea? Aru."

"Um...I wouldn't mind some, really I came to ask for your help." Ivan unsurely said

"Ah, what can I help you with?" Yao asked

"My heart is broken, and it has grown cold. I need help fixing my heart." Ivan appealed

Yao stared at him, gently stirring his tea seemingly thinking about it. Ivan shifted uncomfortably as he looked at his own cup.

"Aiya, I can not help you. I am wise in the art of healing and practically but not in the ways of the heart aru. " Yao mentioned softly and Ivan sagged.

"However, I believe the new one up North can help you. Alfred is his name, he lives in the middle of the dark forest. You'll know it when you see it. To fix your heart you shall have to go up North and asks Alfred for his help aru." Yao said making Ivan smile.

"Thank you," Ivan said

"You have temporarily ended my loneliness, it was nice. Now go, but be careful. Dark creatures lurk in the forest. " Yao said gently and Ivan nodded his understanding.

And so, Ivan got on his horse and rode North. He would stop to feed his horse, and maybe get something for himself. But, after a while of traveling, the dark forest looms before him.

The trees are twisted, their leaves are long and hang heavily. The bark a burnt black. The grass itself is brown as if dead, the shrubs were also brown. The sun didn't shine in the forest, there was only darkness.

Ivan urges the horse forward, the horse neighs at him as if to ask "Are you crazy?". After a minute, the horse goes forward. Hooves crunch on dead grass as they shift through the forest. The horse is clearly skittish, but Ivan felt nothing but agony anymore. He might've cared before, but now he just feels nothing.

The wind blows through the trees, an eerie sound. Whistling around Ivan as his horse walks forward skittishly. Then, the whispers come. Voices ring through the trees, the voices familiar yet foreign. He turned suddenly, swearing he had heard his name. He brushed it off warily as a trick of the wind.

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