A mistake

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Author has started a group chat.

Author had renamed the chat "The Crossover Group Chat"

Author has added Alfred F. Jones, Matthew Williams, Ivan Braginsky, Gilbert Beilschmidt, Alexander Hamilton, John Laurens, Hercules Mulligan, Lafayette, George Washington, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Torrie Jones, and Cassidy Jones.

Author has left the chat and hidden all activity.

Alfred F. Jones: OMG, I love group chats!

Matthew Williams: Maple...Not another group chat.

Ivan Braginsky: Group chats are mistakes da?

Gilbert Beilschmidt: THIS IS TOTALLY AWESOME.

Alexander Hamilton: A group chat?

John Laurens: Urm...Turtles.

Hercules Mulligan: I'm loving it.

Alfred F. Jones: McDonald's can die in the deepest pits of-

Lafayette: Oh, Oui a group chat!

George Washington:...A group chat?

Harry Potter: How did I even get here?

Hermione Granger: Oh, what a fine experience.


Hermione Granger: Ron, please do try not to type in all caps. It's quite annoying.

Torrie Jones: OMG, a group chat? Cassidy, do you see this?!?

Cassidy Jones: You know Torrie, it's like I'm also in the group chat...

George Washington: Wait, who all is anyone. Could we all introduce ourselves?

Alfred F. Jones: Okay boss, I will go first. My name is Alfred, Obviously, and I come from the great U.S of A. I am an overworked mother of 74 children and I love my husband.

Ivan Braginsky: I love you to Fredka~

John Laurens: Wait, gay marriage is legal?

Alfred F. Jones: In our time it is.

Ron Weasley: Bloody hell That's a lot of children

Harry Potter: Blimey how are you alive?

Alfred F. Jones: Eh, it's a day by day thing. Sometimes it's fine. Othertimes the house is just on fire and there is nothing you can do.

Torrie Jones: THAT WAS ONE TIME!

Cassidy Jones: The house has blown up and/or caught on fire 25 times since it's the time of being build in 1776. 3 times was Catherine catching on fire. 2 times was Torrie's fault. 5 times it was the usual tensions of football season. Another 4 times because of war interfamily or internationally. 1 time was my fault. 10 more times because of other reasons that I am not able to mention. But, you know. Who's counting.

George Washington: War?

Alfred F. Jones: Erm, yeah. Mattie go!

Matthew Williams: I'm gonna introduce myself then. My name is Matthew. I'm from Canada eh.

Alfred F. Jones: HAHAHAHA you even say eh when you type. Omg, LMFAO.

Matthew Williams: Alfie, stop.

The America/Hetalia one-shot book no one needed nor wantedWhere stories live. Discover now