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SLAM! Crack! Crack! SLAM!

Torrie stumbled back and wiped her mouth that was covered with blood. She was gonna run at the cracking glass again when someone grabbed her arm.

"Stop, it's pointless." Cassidy said holding a baby U.S. Virgin Islands or April in her other arm.

"But, they took Ma!" Torrie says

"I know, I can feel his pain but there is nothing we can do. Your just  hurting yourself." Cassidy says while she places April in the provided crib. Puerto Rico or
Lin hugs Cassidy's leg.

"Im scared" He says

"I know. I'm scared too but Mama will be okay. He's been through much worse. " Cassidy says getting down to Lin's height. She hugs him a nod he hugs back.

Torrie looks at the glass that has a few cracks in it. It was probably bullet proof. The real problem was that she was without Potato chips.

The door opens and in stumbles Alfred. His blue eyes move around wildly.

"Ma!/Mama!/Mommie!" Were all shouted at the same time.

"Lin, Cassidy, Torrie? W-where are you?" Alfred says Lin runs up to him and hugs his legs.

"Ma, what they do?" Torrie says

"Well...They were testing how my eyes react to light and well...The machine malfunctioned and I lost my sight..." Alfred says looking a little to the left of Torrie.

"I take it back Torrie. We are gonna kill those bastards!!!" Cassidy says before using her magic to shatter all the glass. She picks up two babies in her arms. (George and Mary or Guam and Northern Marina islands.) Torrie grabs little April and grabs Alfred's hand. Lin crawls up his mother's body and sits on his shoulder. They quickly walked out and looked for the exit.

It was absolute chaos as States and cities tore through the scientists with pure anger. The Texas five ripped off the metal door keeping them in and were single handedly punching through the people there. The 13 were making sure that everyone was escaping.

"Mom! Thank God your okay" Abigail said as she got in pace with the group.

"Yeah..." Alfred said

"Abigail, spread the word. Those Assholes burned our mothers eyes to the point of blindness, give no mercy" Cassidy sneered out and Abigail nodded with horror before going to spread the word.

They got out of the building and the entire family watched as the building burnt to the ground and listened to the intense screaming. Cassidy had a look in her eyes. Her eye twitches as she watched the fire. She starts to play with the fire making it go through scientists eyes.

She started cackling making the other states look at her with worry. She stops and turns around walking through the forest.
The next meeting.

"Where is that bloody git?" England asks

"Ma, watch out that's the-"Something ran into the door. "-door"

The nations looked at each other confused. Russia, Canada and others who recognize the voice got scared.

"Right, I knew that" a familiar American voice said.

The door opened and in stepped two people. America and someone else with almost white hair and blue eyes.

Akfred walked in and the girl grabbed his shoulder "Ma, your seat is this way." She leads the American to his seat and sits him down.

"Um..Okay. Let's start then..." Germany says as the Girl grabs things from the American's bag and sits in the corner. America was looking no where in particular.

"What's wrong with Fredka?" Ivan whispers.

"Alfie, what's wrong?" Canada asks

"Well, um..."

"Now, America shall present. "Everyone looked at America who just chuckles.

"I shall be presenting today since due to circumstances ma can't present." The girl says standing up. She digs through the notes "Really, Liliana switched notes with you again? Well, at least it wasn't Lin this time..."

"Excuse me belle, but comment tu t'appelles?" France asks

"Ah, Introductions. My name is Cassidy Jones, I represent The State of Colorado. I shall be standing in for my mother." She said and everyone's jaw dropped(applied loosely since Canada and Russia already know about her and the other states.)"Now, let's see. Economy degeneration, Covid 19, Global warming, H.E.R.O.S..." She mutters.

"I bet that git can't present because he had a heart attack because of all those fatty burgers." England whispers to France who giggles.

The room turns cold and everyone turns to Cassidy seeing a cold aura coming from her. Snow drifts from her as she looks down. Ivan, Matthew and Alfred all hide under that table.

"You wanna say that again?..." She says making England desperately shake his head. "You know, I was gonna explain this calmly but some jerk decided to piss me off. "

Everyone shivered and the people under the table gulped. Cassidy looks up fire raging in her blue eyes. "The Untied States of America will be having a rotation of helpers because some a-hole scientists tortured him for days and f*cking burned his eyes making him go f*cking blind.  For this weeks meeting it will be me helping ma because I'm suprisingly one of the more saner of us all when alone!"

"Now, if you'll excuse me I have a f*cking presentation to give!!" She says before presenting. Alfred finds his chair and sits down. He feels his brother grab his hand and he looks in his general direction.

Matthew looks at Alfred's unseeing blue eyes and Matthew starts to cry. Tears filling his own violet eyes.

A/N-....You know what...I don't even know myself. This wasn't edited either if you didn't guess by the terrible quality.

The America/Hetalia one-shot book no one needed nor wantedWhere stories live. Discover now