Cassidy's mittens

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Cassidy had always worn mittens for as long as anyone could remeber. Even as a baby, she had mittens on.

When asked, Alfred just says that because of her states bi-polar weather her hands often get unnaturally cold so the mittens are to warm her. Everyone accepted this answer.

Cassidy,Alfred, and Ivan were the only three who knew the true reason behind the mittens.

You see, She has these massive uncontrollable magical powers that had to be muted with mittens made by America specially for her.

No one knew this, but soon Cassidy's closest sister Torrie would find out the real reason.

It started like any other day. Torrie would wake up and drag Cassidy down to the kitchen to make her food. Cassidy would politely ask if she can help and America always said yes.

Cassidy was making breakfast and humming slightly to herself. She was unaware of the growing pressure of built up magic.

"Cassidy, is breakfast ready yet?" Torrie said

"No, as I said 5 minutes ago and the 5 minutes before that. It will be ready when it is ready. " Cassidy says

"But, I'm hungry"

"Again for the 3rd time, we are all hungry" Cassidy says but didn't mention the fact she was strangely devoid of hunger.

5 minutes later. "Cassidy, is breakfast ready yet?"

"IT WILL BE READY WHEN IT IS READY" A knife gets flung at Torrie and it barely misses her by a hair. Cassidy didn't look like she threw it but who else would've. Torrie was in shock.

10 minutes later Cassidy turns around with food. She smiles before looking at Torrie with a raised eyebrow.

"You look like you've seen a ghost. Anyway, Breakfast is served. " She gives Torrie her breakfast and looks at her own.

He stomach lurches at the very idea of eating and she ends up giving it to Alaska as he always ate what others didn't want because he was like Mama and could eat anything without gaining a pound.

Cassidy is walking down a hallway when suddenly her head starts throbbing painfully and she stumbles into the wall making some of the frames fall. She sat down on the floor and started to scream in pain. A screech that made everyone else in the house freeze. Suddenly, all glass surfaces shatter at once. Orange juice and milk spill everywhere as their glasses shatter. Food spills of plates as their delicate ceramic is shattered.

Suddenly, the screaming stops and everyone just stares at one another. Wondering what happened.

Many run out into the hallway where it came from. Torrie was at the front. She found a pile of ash and snow white a pair of mittens on top. Torrie grabs the mittens and immeditaly recognizes them.

"Cassidy?" She asks horrified.

"This is not good." Alfred says and Ivan nods.

"Where...Where is Cassidy?" Torrie asks holding the mittens to her chest.

"I'm not sure sweetie. I'm sure she's fine." Alfred says even though he has a bad feeling in his chest.

"Cassidy" a well of voices said and she shifted. "Cassidy"

She opened her eyes and saw she was on a plane of shifting purple silk. She looked at her hands and saw her mittens were gone. She gulped and looked at the strings of old magic language spreading from her wrist in glowing purple.

She whispers and realizes she can only speak the old language. She curses an old curse and thinks.

She is suddenly pressed back against the purple silk that turns blood red and she screams as she is pushed through. The rips in the silk leaking deep red blood.

Torrie couldn't sleep. She was worried about Cassidy. She seemed different this moring and now she's gone.

Someone knocks on her door and she shifts away when it opens. They enter and she sits up at the smell of potato chips.

"Hey" Gilbert says and she looks at him with slight tolerance. She grabs the potato chips and starts eating them.

"So, are you worried about Cassidy?" Prussia asks and Torrie stops eating to glare at him slightly. "No duh." He says and laughs at himself. "I'm being totally unawesome right now."

"Birdie says she will be fine and Birdie is totally awesome at what he does so I believe him." Gilbert says and Torrie continues to munch in her potato chips.

"Well, I should be leaving. " Gilbert says

"Prussia, thanks for the potato chips. I don't totally approve of you. But, keep the chips coming and maybe I will."

He just nods and leaves the room. Torrie finishes the chips and looks at the lone pair of mittens sitting on her desk. Where is her sister?

When the people at the Jones-Braginsky house woke up they were surprised by the weather. It would snow for a bit then, it would rain, then it would hail, then it would be sunny. And mixtures of that. The weather was changing constantly and no ones magic could contain it.

Alfred and Ivan looked even more nervous than the day Cassidy dissapeared.

Torrie went to her room and saw someone she never knew she would see again. However, something was wrong.

"Cassidy!?!" Torrie called and the girls head snapped to her. Her usually blue eyes were a glowing purple and she was muttering in some language Torrie didn't know and she knows about magic. Her usually almost white hair had streaks of purple running through it and her pale skin had a old script running over it.

Cassidy looked at her with glowing eyes and continued to mutter in that language.

"...omg..." Torrie says and Cassidy studies her.

She goes up and runs a hand over Torries face and she smiles saying something in that language.

Torrie looks at her confused. Suddenly, Cassidys neck turns unnaturally and she see's her mittens. She smiles and pulls them on. Suddenly, she stops glowing and the purple goes away. The weather goes to sunny as it was the original weather.

"T-Torrie?" Cassidy asks rubbing her head

"Cassidy, what was that?" Torrie asks

"Oh, it was my magic..." Cassidy says and Torrie gapes slightly

"You have magic?" Torrie asks and Cassidy nods slowly "why don't you use it?"

"Well, I never got control of it so Mama made me these mittens. It's better if no one knows but, I guess that's 4 people that know now. Me, Mama, Papa, and you. " Cassidy says

Torrie sighs but smiles and tackles her sister. "Now, we must go raid the kitchen!!!"

"Ah!" Cassidy is dragged off.

A/N- This sucks but you know. I tried for offical_Michigan. Hope you got something out of it.

Au revoir.

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