The Prince They Bullied...

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Yeah...This came to me while opening butter for way too long. My feet hate me...

Alfred F Jones is a prince, he was born to a royal mother and father in the biggest and strongest kingdom Amquera. He was heir to the throne despite being slightly younger than his brother. Matthew didn't mind, he didn't want to be king anyways.

Though, he basically ran the kingdom since he was twelve since his old a**holes of parents didn't care for it at all. So really, the kingdom was only prosperous because of him.

So, while Alfred was crown prince and had all the duties of one(plus basically the duty of the entire kingdom), Matthew did what ever he pleased. But, Matthew always helped Alfred when he could. He also helped him pull of some serious stunts.

One day, they enrolled him in regular school. No one knew the true identity of the prince and that was gonna be revealed at the coronation. So, he started school like the other kids.

For a few years it was fine, but then he became the target of bullies. The school hated him and he didn't even do anything. All of high school he was harassed by bullies and everyone but his brother could care less. Said it would build his character.

Now, senior year he will be graduating and the day after his coronation will occur because his parents have caught the suspicious budlightvirus. They want him to be crowned before they die. Old bastards.

So, that's how he found himself once again in a pile of trash being laughed at. He sighed slightly, glad he had worn his usual trashed clothes.

"Ha, right where you belong. You look much better in the filth. Maybe your just that much of a pig. Though, I guess you are used to it. Being poor and all." Said a rich student, Alfred couldn't find it in himself to care what their name was nor that they were a citizen of his kingdom.

The others laughed and left him in the trash, he didn't even bother to get up this time. What was the point? They would just put him back as the end of the day anyway.

"Alfred-san!" A familiar voice said

"Merde, those connards..." said a equally familiar voice

Alfred was helped from the trash, he saw the faces of his friends Kiku Honda and Francis Bonnefoy. Kiku helped him out of the trash and Francis brushed off the trash on him.

"Fredka!" Said a equally familiar voice

"Vanya..." Alfred whispered

"Those bastards...I'll kill them!" This was his friend Ivan Braginsky.

"Don't worry about it Vanya." Alfred says softly

"But, they hurt you..." Ivan said cupping his face making the others face pink.

"It's fine...They'll get what they deserve." He says before nuzzling the hand making Ivan go pink as well

Meanwhile, Francis was having a fangasm over there and was just so happy. Kiku was taking pictures for his ever growing RusAme album. He didn't know why he chose RusAme as their ship name. Both were fangirling.

"Why don't zhey just get together?" Francis asks

"They're in denial." Kiku explains and Francis nods slowly in understanding

Alfred fixes his trashed hoodie and reluctantly moves away from Ivan. "We should go to class. My parents will kill me if I miss another..." That is, if they cared.

Ivan brings his hand down, already yearning to touch Alfred again "Da, let's go..."

And so, all four of them went to class. Alfred didn't tell them his secret, he would have to tell them everything at some point. Just...Not now.
Time skip brought to you by woodsnstuff

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