But, What Are the Limits of Immortality?

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A continuation of my one-shot Even Immortality has its Limits. I read a story where my heart was pushed through the meat grinder and decided that I should give that one-shot a happy end. However, if you are like me and prefer the sad ending than you can ignore this exists and continue on your day.


It had been a year since Alfred's funeral and it seemed that those who truly cared did not recover at all. Those who had hated him at one point could feel nothing but guilt.

 Ivan still desperately seeks to join Alfred in the afterlife. He cannot be left alone for a minute because he will start to get crafty and try to end his life. His sisters have moved into the house because they are the only ones that are strong enough mentally and physically to stop the Russian.

Cassidy stopped doing everything. She didn't go skiing, She didn't go snowboarding, and she didn't even play in the snow. She would just stare at the wall with a dead look in her dull blue eyes. She just stared at the wall letting her heath degenerate. She just didn't care anymore.

Torrie stopped eating Potato Chips all together and often was trying to get Cassidy to eat or at least do something. She couldn't even bring herself to read RusAme because it would remind her too much of what she was missing.

Matthew was noticed more, however he just wanted his brother back. He has felt empty without his twin. He used to feel the American's emotions and the two would often converse through their link. Now, it was just incredibly silent. He just kinda sat around and only ate when his provinces forced him. 

So, it is quite curious how all four parties were at the same small restaurant in New York. Ivan was being watched and he couldn't even blink without his sisters knowing about it. His purple eyes were dull and lifeless. The Russian had deep bags under his eyes and he had lost a lot of weight. Cassidy was still staring at nothing. She was perfectly upright and starting at nothingness with dull eyes. Torrie was frowning at her sister's behavior. oh, and Matthew died more inside.

"Hello, My name is Alfred Jones. Can I getcha anything to drink?" A familiar voice of a ghost said. 

Cassidy looked at the waiter with wide blue eyes. The most movement she's done in a year. Ivan was looking at Alfred like one would a ghost. Because Alfred is a ghost. Torrie's attention was caught. Matthew looked at Alfred with hope.

"A-Alfred?" Matthew says and the blue-eyed American smiles

 "That would be my name, don' wear it out~," Alfred says happily before looking at them expectantly. He frowned at the statues in front of him. "Y'all would like something to drink right? You seem to be in shock. " He was speaking fully southern accent that made Ivan's violet eyes brighten significantly from their dull waiting-for-deathness. That's a word. 

The group ordered there drinks still as stiff as statues. Alfred left with his usual grace and the others locked eyes.

"Is that--" Mattie said 

"It couldn't be--" Ivan said 

"Alfred?" The group said at once. They watched as Alfred did his job, he came with their drinks with that charming smile he gave each person a drink. 

"Here ya go darlings. Do ya need any more time ta decide your order?" He asked with a warm smile.

"Nyet," Ivan says before stating his order. He was more alive than he had been in the past year. Even Cassidy took her own order and it was progress, despite the fact it was still emotionless. 

"Okay, I'll get it in for ya. Anything else I can getcha?" Alfred asks

"Yeah, when does the beautiful Alfred get off work?" Ivan says and Alfred blushes slightly. 

"O-oh, I get off at 3," He said before scurrying away with a blush. Cassidy's lips twitch into almost a smile and Torrie smirks at the amazing RusAme moment.

Time skip brought to you by me being an impatient little shi--

It was three and Alfred left his work place after being fawned over by his overprotective manager.

He saw the group waiting outside for him and he blushed slightly at the look the Russian gave him.

"Fredka, thank you for joining us." He said and kissed the Americans hand. Alfred blushed but something happened and his eyes changed into knowing blue orbs.

"Of course--"


The End.

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