A life changing um, mishap?

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There is a place, where there are two types of people. The more common people called Normies. The inventors, the scientists, the people who work hard. The less common were the Magi, people with magical abilities. They were spread throughout the world and few even know they exist.

One Magi is named Ivan Braginsky, he can make clones of himself that are controlled by him exclusively. They are an extension of him so he knows what they see, hear, smell, and feel. He hid this power like most other magi and got a job.

He hated the job so much he started sending a clone. So, while the clone did the work he sat at home reading about the world. No one figured it out miraculously.

Somedays he would go out to the library, that's where he met him. Alfred F. Jones.

Alfred was reading a book from a large pile in the corner, his smile was cute as he read the book. Each little reaction was even cuter.

Alfred is a normie, he didn't mind. While his twin brother Matthew had to learn to control his magic, he read up on his favorite subjects. Space was an ever-changing wonder to him, he loved to stargaze and just see the stars.

Matthew can feel/see peoples auras, he had trouble controlling it as a kid but has a better grasp now. Just an FYI.

Anyway, back to the library. Alfred was reading a book in the corner and Ivan was blushing like a schoolgirl or crushing like a yandere...One of those, still deciding which... Ivan had never seen anyone like that, he wanted to talk to him but he lost his will.

The following week Ivan would go to the library when he could, hoping to see Alfred. Alfred was there every time, Ivan would try not to stare at him. Ivan went to the library today to find a book to read and found himself in the section about space. He brushed the spines in thought reading the titles. He didn't notice the blonde next to him, well until he said something.

"Hey, could you help me reach that book?" Alfred said and Ivan tried to keep his cool as he looked at the book in question. He got it easy because of his height, he handed it to the blonde that wasn't short by any means but he looked short compared to Ivan. "Thanks!"

Ivan almost died right there at the honest and adorable smile he got, he wished he could see it every day. Alfred looked at where Ivan's hand was still touching the spine of the books and you could see literal stars in his eyes. "Do you like space too? I love, love, love space! The stars are so beautiful" Alfred gushed making Ivan smile

"You're the most beautiful star..." Ivan muttered

"What was that?" Alfred asked innocently

"Mars is a beautiful star." Ivan 'repeated'

"Yeah! It is, isn't it? Personally, my favorite star is-" Alfred started to rant about stars and space while Ivan listened with interest. The blonde was even cuter when gushing about something he loves.

After that, they started to hang out. Just talking, about space, themselves, or anything else. They laughed together, smiled at each other, and soon grew to love each other. Ivan had loved Alfred from the start and Alfred was quick to grow feelings. They started dating soon after, Ivan had confessed one night while they were stargazing and Alfred kissed him.

Ivan came clean about his powers, Alfred was understanding and loved him just the same. It was no surprise when the question was asked and Alfred said yes in tears. Their wedding was beautiful, they had it at night so they could see the stars as it was what connected them in the first place. Now, the happy couple had moved to their own little home.

Alfred gave Ivan the confidence to quit his shitty job(That still had a clone working at the time) and start his own company, it took off quickly and soon business was prospering, Alfred got a job as a writer because that was another passion of his.

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