Guess what, it's kinda smut.

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A continuation of Guess what it's Smut. Hah, that rhymes. This is weeks after that night.

Alfred empties his stomach into the white porcelain bowl of his toilet. He holds onto the bowl hard enough deep cracks covered the surface. He finally gets out the entirely of the meal he ate the night before and he slumps slightly. His hands then immediately go to his belly.

After so many pregnancies, births, and children it was more of a six sense. He always knew when he was knocked up. Sometimes, he didn't even remember conception and just woke up one day completely naked and filled with cum. (Wow, I feel like a lot of people just got out the pitchforks)

However, he remembered quite vividly how this little one came to be. No matter how he tried to forget that night it was still fresh inside his brain. He couldn't escape the wet dreams of Ivan pounding deeply inside him. Of Ivan giving the rough treatment, he craved. Of just Ivan.

Though, the one he had just before waking up was different. It started out like every other.  That drunken night with him and Ivan. Suddenly, it flashed forward showing him grow big with child, month by month.

However, it wasn't just him. Ivan was there, supporting him. Loving him and the little one equally. Kissing his swollen stomach happily, caressing the flesh. Ivan giving him the erm, love he's always wanted when pregnant. Ivan holding his hand as Alfred squeezed it roughly during birth.

He thought about the dream, it confirmed what he already knew. His brain was telling him subconsciously he's pregnant. Again. But, the parts with Ivan were just fantasy. They had to be. There's no way Ivan would want any part of it, Alfred and the child growing inside him. That is if he found out.

He hid his children from their fathers, England was easy because he had no parental or fatherly instincts what so ever. The others were harder but it was done.Alfred got off the floor and entered the bedroom where he sat on his bed softly. He ran a hand over his currently flat stomach.

Alfred is pregnant, yet right now you wouldn't know unless told otherwise. The states will figure it out, they can sense each other. Even as barely a spec inside mama. Mattie will quickly recognize the signs, as a medical doctor and as his twin. No one else has to know, well except maybe the president.

Alfred stood up, he still had to make breakfast. He knew it would make him feel even sicker because the smell would upset his stomach but he had a duty. He served food, the states were on it in no time. Wanting the delicious food in their bellies.

Alfred had a plate of toast and was currently drowning it in the hottest hot sauce the Jones family buys. The more awake states were starting to connect the dots. Jesse(Texas) was not one of them, he wasn't fully awake yet.

"Jeez ma' ya need some toast with that hot sauce?" Jesse asks

Alfred shrugged and ate the hot sauce toast. The states started to notice something. They could sense the usual 66 siblings, not including themselves but there is an extra sibling. They all looked at their mother and blinked a few times.

"You're pregnant." They all said at once, which is actually kinda creepy.

Alfred froze mid-bite of toast, he shrugged and swallowed. "Wow, what gave it away?" 

The states either laughed at his answer or glared at him for it. He just continued to eat his toast. So, they just continued to eat. They were too casual sure, but like are you surprised in this family?


Ivan has a bit of a problem. He is constantly thinking about that night. He has his suspicions but a lot would change if it were correct.

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