A good wedding

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Not connected to the previous one at all, same wedding theme though. Also not connected to basically anything I write.

Alfred had gone as simply a guest, his elder brother didn't truly want him there 100% but Matthew and Francis convinced the brit.

Arthur was still a bit salty after the revolution, Alfred understood that he was hurt. But he needs to understand Alfred was ready to become a country. He didn't need Arthur anymore.

He wore a simple suit, he was tempted to wear a dress because dresses just felt right on him. But, the suit it was. He regrets it as it's hot and itchy on his body, he wishes he had his soft dress.

Alfred isn't 100% truthful either, he's been dating Ivan for sometime now and he hasn't told anyone but Matthew. Matthew teased him but otherwise took it well.

Ivan wasn't exactly invited to the wedding, Athur downright refused to invite him. Yet, Francis slipped him an invitation with a wink.

The day of the wedding, well in no uncertain terms it was nice. Choosing a calm countryside in France will do that. An outdoor wedding, it was nice.

Alfred felt a bit unwanted, then again he never was anymore. The asshole of the world, at a wedding. Or, he mused, they just think he's an idiot and thus not good conversation.

Then again, Ivan wasn't much better. People were eyeing the Russian man like they expected him to attack and avoiding him.

Alfred wanted to go over there, but the tension would get worse. People still think they hate each other, and many still haven't gotten over the cold war. So, seeing them together makes people anxious. Alfred didn't want to ruin the wedding like that.

Anyway, he sat down with a sigh. He was in the front row as "Family", next to his brother who is actually family. He just isn't considered Arthur's brother anymore.

"You okay?" Matthew asks softly

"Yeah, people have just been avoiding me and it kinda hurts you know." He said and Matthew nodded empatheitcally." I'm so sorry you have to deal with this all the time."

"Don't be sorry eh, being invisible had its percs." Matthew smirked in the way he did right before the creation of Porn hub. Reminding Alfred once more the his brother is the evil twin.

Alfred nodded and looked behind him, Ivan locked eyes with him. The two had a quick silent conversation before Alfred looks back at the wedding arch.

Francis has arrived, wearing an elegant light blue suit that fit the Frenchman well. His tie was a white color. His hair was combed nicely and lightly pinned from his face. For once in his life, he seemed nervous.

Antonio was talking to him, since he's best man. It was a fight between Antonio and Gilbert, Giblert relented saying he had to be best man at Antonio's and Lovino's future wedding. (That statement made Spain sputter a bit.)

Anyway, the Spaniard was pretty good at calming the Frenchman down. The two had worked hard for this to happen, for centuries they were torn apart by war and misunderstanding. Now, they could be together. Francis was worrying something would go wrong now that they're here.

People quieted as Seychelles stepped into view, wearing a nice light blue dress and her hair covered with little white flowers. She started walking throwing flowers cheerfully, happy to be apart of the wedding.

Then, was most of Arthur's brothers. They came to give him away because they're family. Scotland wasn't being an asshole either, I know shocking.

Speaking of Scotland, he was walking with Arthur at his side. Arthur had a white suit with a light blue tie. His hair might've been tamed at one point before deciding f*ck that. So, peices were out of place, yet it fit well.

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