Bodyguard Ivan x Maid Alfred pt. 2

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Ivan was with the boss all day but couldn't help but notice how Alfred would flinch if he moved too quickly and was walking around with that smile on his face.

But, it wasn't a smile. It was more like a crack on a piece of delicate china. A tear in a piece of fabric. It didn't look like a smile while it did at the same time. It was disturbing to see on such a cute face.

"Oh, Mr. Braginsky, can I get you some coffee? I'm sure the master will be here soon" Alfred says

"That would be nice, and call me Ivan. " Ivan says smiling at Alfred. Alfred's smile changes and he almost seems happy.

"Oh, I could never Mr. Braginsky. " Alfred says

"What are you doing? Maids are better seen not heard." Mr. Kirkland said coming into the room.

That smile returned and Ivan inwardly shuddered at it. A stark contrast between the one he wore earlier. Alfred just nods and leaves the room.

"That bloody git. I swear he is so dumb." Mr. Kirkland says and it takes everything to stop himself from strangling that man right where he stands.

Alfred comes with a tray and he carefully places it down. He shakily serves tea and coffee with that smile.

"You bloody git. You messed it up again!" Mr. Kirkland said as he thrust the cup at Alfred. Ivan could hear the sizzling of Alfred's skin burning. Alfred. just. Smiled. He smiled as he caught the teacup and stood. He left the coffee and then left the room. Ivan was horrified.

A dark aura filled the room. Mr. Kirkland looked up and saw Ivan standing and looking at him with a terrifying glare. Mr. Kirkland's eyes widened.

"I tolerated your rude comments because you are my boss but this is over the line. It's taking a lot for me to not reach down, tear out your throat and let you choke on your own blood. " Ivan says stepping towards Mr. Kirkland who tried to scooch farther into his chair.

Alfred was fixing the tea. He made sure he had 3 spoonfuls this time. He ignored the way the lashes on his back ached since they were still fresh. He ignored the pain of the burn festering on his chest where the tea spilled.

"Master Kirkland is so silly sometimes. All he had to do was say I made the tea wrong. Heh, that does not matter. Though, it does make me look bad in front of him. " Alfred thought about him.

His beautiful purple eyes, his platinum hair, his hot Russian accent. He was so strong and could protect Alfred from anything.

"Too bad he wouldn't go for a maid like me. Heh, I always mess up everything I do." Alfred says before grabbing the tray with a new batch of tea.

He opened the door and found that Master Kirkland was cowering in the corner. He set the tray down ignoring the pain.

"Alfred, welcome back," Ivan said sitting on the same couch as before, sipping the coffee.

"Oh? What has happened Mr. Braginsky?" Alfred says

"Please, I told you to call me Ivan" Ivan says looking at Alfred with love-filled but also worried eyes.

Alfred blushed and looked away pressing his rag to his face to hide it. He felt someone gently bring him back to focus and he looks up to see Ivan looking at him.

"Come with me Fredka. We will leave this place behind." Ivan says and Alfred's blue eyes widened. Leave the Manor? But who would care for it?

"Leave the manor?" Alfred says

"Yes, come to my house in Russia," Ivan says

"Well, maybe that wouldn't be too bad," Alfred says softly

"First, let me look at the burn," Ivan says and Alfred frowns slightly and moves until his back hits the wall. He hisses under his breath as it scrapes the still fresh wounds. He's pretty sure the wounds opened.

"No, no, I can take care of it myself. " Alfred says from the other side of the room.

"Fredka, please let me care for you," Ivan says a little surprised about Alfred's outburst.

Alfred just smiled as he felt blood drip down his back. He laughed nervously. Ivan carefully went up to Alfred and looked into those blue eyes.

What he saw scared him to death. These blue hues were full of pain and even seemed lifeless to an extent. He never got a close look before but now he wished he didn't.

He gently placed his hand on Alfred's shoulder and the American looks at him with those broken pain-filled eyes. Alfred finally concedes and slowly takes off the dress. He folds it and places it to the side making sure he to hide the lashes. That was between him and his master after all.

Ivan frowned as he looked over the first-degree burn covering Alfred's chest. He starts to take care of it with ointments he had collected when Alfred was making tea.

"Are there any other injuries?" Ivan asks softly and Alfred shakes his head quickly. Ivan wonders why Alfred doesn't want to be taken care of.  "Please, I just want to help you"

" " Alfred looking genuinely confused. "But...Master Kirkland said he was the only one that would help me..." Alfred said

"I will help you Alfred. Kirkland is lying to you. He has been from the start." Ivan said

"Lying..." Alfred said. Did he lie when he said Alfred deserved punishment?
"Well...Then I can accept..."

"Where are you hurt Alfred?" Ivan asks desperately.

"My heart, my chest but mostly......My back" Alfred says and Ivan tilts his head slightly. Alfred turns around and Ivan gasps.

There were slashes that were oozing blood because they got reopened. But, there were also old ones that were years old at least. (For those who didn't know I went back and changed months to years in the first chapter because it fit my backstory better. Sorry for the change.)

Ivan brings his hand to his mouth as he looks at the slashes that mar Alfred's perfect skin. He feels tears build. He then, softly as if handling a vase that was already cracked, began to care for Alfred's back. Alfred didn't make any sounds of pain but Ivan still felt that Alfred was in pain.

He softly wrapped bandages over the wounds and then he felt himself release a breath he didn't know he was holding. "Do you have anything to wear other than that dress?" 

"No, I haven't needed to wear anything else," Alfred says looking down slightly

"Don't worry. I have something you can wear." Ivan says standing up before helping Alfred up. 

"Oh, Mr. Ivan. I could never take anyth-" Alfred starts

"Please, I insist," Ivan says

"Okay..."Alfred says and the two go to Ivan's room.

TBC in Isolation. Read it now!

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