Filling the Empty House

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A continuation of Empty House with the expert advice of SerenitySVA.

Alfred woke up barely covered with the blanket and cuddling a Russian flag pillow. His eyes ached because he cried himself to sleep. There was a distinct redness around them that let you know he had cried. Well, not that anyone would see. 

He sat up and furrowed his brows as he smelt something coming from his kitchen. He knew it was his kitchen because he always knew exactly where it is and what is happening inside. Alfred sat up and tried to rub away the redness and get rid of the dried tears.

He carefully got out of bed and looked in the mirror. His eyes were surrounded by hideous red rings and you could tell that he had been crying. His hair was even messier and Nantucket seemed to droop just a little bit.  He was wearing Ivan's shirt which was like a dress on him and it went to his knees. It smelt like him so Alfred took it as he did with Ivan's sweatshirts. 

He carefully slid from his room, his feet going into the soft carpet floor. He looked at the long hallway of doors that loop around the house. Each one was closed, so who was in his kitchen?

The house would be silent if not for the sounds of sizzling bacon and the slight clatter of pans. A small part of him hoped Mattie had come over, but he soon remembered that he had a hockey game this morning. 

He seemed to want to blend in with the rest of the house, he moved quietly to the stairs. He carefully went down the carpeted stairs and hesitantly stepped on the wood flooring. The wood was cold to his bare feet but he continued anyway. 

Alfred got to the kitchen and looked in. He froze as he saw a familiar pinkette and red-head in his kitchen.

"Is this vegan?" The red asked and the pinkette rolled his blue eyes

"Yes, poppet." He said with a smile as he cooked the bacon.

Alfred watched slightly confused, suddenly red eyes met his blue. The owner of the red eyes smiled and went over to Alfred.

"Hey, Porkchop! I see your awake" He said

"...Yeah" Alfred said meekly, speaking for the first time that morning

"That's great because we made breakfast!" The pinkette said with a smile.

"Oliver, Allen...What are you doing here?" Alfred asks after a brief moment of silence. 

"We came to see you Poppet, we couldn't just let you feel so alone" Oliver, the pinkette, said with another smile.

Alfred blinked a few times before smiling slightly "You don't have to go to all this trouble for me"

"Are you kidding? Of course, we do!" Allen said 

Alfred smiled more and Allen smiled back at him. Then, the three of them took their breakfast and ate together in the large dining room. Alfred smiled for the first time in a while since the dubbed "Season of Loneliness" began. He laughed along with the others.

They had fun all day, they played games and made cupcakes...Allen and Alfred can assure you that at least their cupcakes were not poisoned. Well, maybe Allen's since he burned them pretty bad. 

His loneliness was all but non-existent. However, all good things must come to an end and before long the 2p's have to go back to their own world. Alfred waved goodbye before snatching one of Ivan's sweatshirt and pulling it on his body. Well, he says Ivan's but really he owns it now with how many times he's taken it. 

The door opened suddenly and Alfred looked over, he smiled as he saw the big Russian man that was his husband. Alfred immediately tackles him.

"VANYA!" He says and Ivan chuckles

"I see you missed me Fredka." He said and Alfred nodded into his chest.

"What are you doing here?" Alfred asks

"Well, I finished all I had to do in Russia. I am back now." Ivan says and Alfred smiles

Ivan looked around at the house and saw it was completely empty except for Alfred. It was hard to enter this house and not see at least 5 states walk around. 

"Alfred, where is everyone?" Ivan says seriously

"Oh...They had to leave since it's the season..." Alfred said rubbing his neck.

"Alfred, have you been all by yourself?" Ivan says again with worry

"Well, yeah but I can handle it. Plus, you just missed Ollie and Allen. They came to visit me!" Alfred said 

Ivan frowned slightly because he knew how well his wife handled being alone for any period of time. He falls into a sort of depression and bottles all of that up. Ivan and Alfred then had a nice dinner and went to sleep. Ivan smiled and petted a sleeping Alfred's hair before taking out his phone and texting some people. Fredka wouldn't have to be alone anymore.

A/N-BOOM. I finished it! I think it's not half bad...

What is editing?

Au revoir!

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