Not so Sex Slave Anymore

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He awoke in someone's arms, that wasn't unusual for Alfred it's just usually someone was using him. No, he was in someone's arms but they were just holding him close. He actually liked it a bit better. He snuggles into the arms and their chest. Their chuckles vibrate through their chest and it makes Alfred giggle.

"Your giggle is cute Fredka" A familiar voice said and he opened his eyes. His favorite purple eyes were looking down at him with adoration.

Alfred blushed when he realized it was Ivan's chest he was curled into. He felt those glorious muscles around his body and Ivan's chest was firm but comfortable. Then again Alfred would find the floor comfortable so-

Ivan was stroking his hair softly and Alfred couldn't help but lean into his touch. Ivan's cheeks grew pink as Alfred snuggled in, content to stay there forever.

Ivan was so worried when he found his Fredka slumped on the floor tearing at his hair and breathing erratically. He had pulled him into his arms but he had already passed out by then. Then, he had sat there hoping Fredka would wake soon. He couldn't help but hold the boy to his chest and fix his hair softly.

Alfred wasn't as skinny anymore, you couldn't feel his ribs as there was a nice layer now. He was still overly skinny and small but it was progress. He was small for his age but that made him really cute. He was also eating a bit more at meals as his stomach had grown, used to actually getting the food it needs.

"Hey, Ivan" Alfred asks looking at him with big blue eyes.


"Why do you call me Fredka?" Alfred asks

"Well, your name is Alfred and it's a nickname that I came up with," Ivan says

"Do you have a nickname?" Alfred asks

"Uh, da. But, only close friends and family use it."

"Oh...Can I be a close friend or family member?"Alfred asks innocently

Ivan blushed "Da."

"What's the nickname?" Alfred asks

"Vanya" Ivan says

"Vanya" Alfred repeats and Ivan blushes again hearing the boy say the nickname.

Alfred then snuggles into Ivan and whispers "My Vanya" making Ivan blush harder. The boy then fell asleep as he had stayed up too late reading and Ivan was really comfortable to sleep on. Ivan then stood carefully holding the sleeping boy. He thinks about going to Alfred's room but he doesn't want to leave the boy alone.

He pauses before making his way to his room and decided a little nap wouldn't hurt. He gently places Alfred down on the bed before laying down himself. He yawns and falls asleep surprisingly quickly.

Ivan's arm wraps around Alfred and pulls the boy closer. They easily get entangled with one another and lay down for a little nap.

Ivan wakes up with something in his arms. He opened his eyes and found the cutest thing ever in his arms. This was, of course, Alfred.

Said boy was sleeping peacefully in Ivan's arms with an innocent look on his face. He was slightly curled into a ball as he was pressed against Ivan's chest.

He shifted in his sleep and mumbled well more like moaned "Ah Ivan...". Ivan blushed slightly at how his name was said.

"I wonder what Fredka's dreaming about..." Ivan says as he trailed a hand over the sleeping boy's face.


Ivan watched as Alfred ground on his leg, he was moaning his name and nickname. Ivan considered helping Alfred but quickly decided against it. Alfred would just think he was finally being used and Ivan didn't want Alfred to think like that. So, he resigned to watching the boy get off on his leg.

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