Imprinting my loneliness

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"Fredka..." a broken Russian sounding voice said "Please come out it's been weeks. The others are worried, the kids are worrying themselves sick."

Two double doors with an American and Russian flag stood out, against the American door was a slumped figure with a big coat and a scarf.

"I miss you too, the world is so dark without you. My little sunflower..."

Inside the room, a small figure is curled up in the middle of a large bed. Their body is thin and frail from the lack of eating. Red-rimmed blue eyes staring blankly at the ceiling, no more tears left to cry. Insults ringing around their head, some from others but mostly from themselves.

They don't hear the desperate pleading outside over the loud internal screams of hate. They don't seem to understand the pain they are causing. They only feel crushing loneliness and hatred.

Weeks earlier at a world meeting...

"The hero is here!!" Alfred yelled upon entering, it was quieter than usual. Not that anyone but those who cared noticed.

"We get it git, now sit down so we can get on with the bloody meeting. You're 30 minutes late!" England snarled

Alfred smiled brokenly as he sat down, he was only late because Tristain(Washington state) was sick. He was so worried but the 13 forced him to leave.

Matthew and Ivan both looked ready to kill, but didn't act on the erge. Yet.

The meeting continued on and Alfred tried to pay attention, however a week of sleepless nights was catching up to him very quickly and he could barely keep his eyes open.

He must've accidentally fallen asleep because next thing he knew England slammed his fist agaisnt the back of his head causing his head to roughly hit the table.

Tears came to Alfred's eyes but they did not shed, he looked at England. England's green eyes were on fire with hatred and was that shame?

"Bloody git, I raised you better than this! It's you're turn to present and I hope you get the same respect as you gave." England said

If you count abusing, raping, and abandoning your child as raising them then you did an amazing job Arthur Kirkland. Alfred thought bitterly as he made the way to the podium to present.

He brought up his presentation, he sighed lowly before smileing too widely for realism.

"So, my economy has been doing much better in rec-" Alfred was cut off

"It's always about your economy isn't it you selfish American puta?" Cuba says and a few others laugh.

Alfred tried not to go on a rant about how they depend on his economy and other things because that would be out of character.

"As, I was saying-" Alfred was cut off again

"If your economy is doing so well, where is my money aru!" China demands

Not that well! Plus can you just stop with the money every meeting. I get enough headaches. Alfred thought internally groaning.

"I can't believe you let this get so bad, I raised you better than this. I gave you everything and this is how you repay me. You're so selfish Alfred." England says

"Don't call me that." Alfred snarled "You don't have the right to call me Alfred after all you've done."

England looked taken aback, "Of course I do, I raised you."

Alfred laughed darkly, causing the others in the room to shiver "You raised me? You. Raised. Me? No, you showed up whenever you needed a good fuck and used me like a sex toy. Then, you threw me to the side and told me to be a good little boy and tell no one what you did. Then, you had the guts to act all shocked when I declared my independence."

Everyone was looking at England with shock as the brit stuttered out. Trying to deny engaging in such a henis act.

"I'm done. I'm done being your punching bag. I try to actually help but then I'm shut down. I'm fucking done, I give up hope this will get better. I hope I never get to see any of you again." Alfred snarled before leaving.

He left, slamming the door roughly behind him, causing the door to slam into the other one and jam.

Ivan hurries to go after him, tearing the door out of it's frame. Matthew right after him. But, Alfred was gone. He had used his ability to hop around his nation to go home. Where he proceded to lock himself in his room and cry to his heart's content.

The others glared sharply at England, they then decided to punish him in a variety of imaginative ways.


Ivan was crying as he lay agaisnt the door. Suddenly the door opened and a small Alfred appeared. Ivan's eyes widen.

"Hold me." Alfred whispered with tears shimmering in his eyes and Ivan sobbed as he hugged Alfred gently.

Ivan holds Alfred and whispers nothing but love and affection towards him. Alfred begins to sob and he buries his face into Ivan.

Alfred starts apologising desperatly, painfully but Ivan reasures that it's okay. Ivan holds onto Alfred and Alfred cuddles into the hold.

Trying to heal, and trying to be healed. They will get through this, together. As they always have.


I'm sorry.

The America/Hetalia one-shot book no one needed nor wantedWhere stories live. Discover now