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"I can't believe you, I've trusted you for years! I've loved you more than anything on this damn planet. Only for you to betray me like this. Ivan Braginsky, can I even call you that anymore? Russia then, why did you do this?" Alfred said before continuing, "You know hurt our poor children as well, I just can't believe that you would do this to me and my children."

"So..... Russia is kinda sus?" Cassidy asked calmly

"Russia is the imposter." Alfred confirms

"Nyet! I've been doing tasks!!" Ivan said

"Sus." Torrie said

"I haven't seen him around all game long eh." Canada said

"My own papa." Nikolai cries

"I'm not the imposter!" Ivan shouts

"I think I saw him vent on cams." Washington(state) stated

Everyone voted Russia, proud of their deductions. Thinking for sure it was him.

Russia was not An impostor.

"Fuck, I thought for sure it was him." Alfred mutters

"Me too..." Washington said

"And then, there was 6." Someone chirped before they all muted.

Suddenly, the defeat flashed on the screen and it showed the imposters. America and Washington.

"Alfie whyyyyy." Canada complained "I eas just about to finish my tasks eh."

"Not my fault you were an easy pick." Alfred said pleased

"I told ya ma was sus, y'all didn't believe me." Texas said "I watched him kill Cali and nunya believed me."

"I thought you were safe Washington.." Torrie says

"Not my fault you followed me for most of the game, easy pick." Washington said

"I told you I was doing tasks! Fredka why did you accuse me?" Ivan cried.

"Cause it was easy, everyone already thought you were mad sus dude." Alfred said

"I can't believe you killed me first Wash." Petra said sadly.

"Sorry big sis." Washington said

"Well that was fun, want to play again?" Alfred asked and everyone murmered yeah.

A/N-....I....Short and sweet I guess. I felt like it...

The game went a little like this, 10 people Petra, Washington, Alfred, Matthew, Ivan, Cassidy, Torrie, California, Texas, and Nikolai. Petra died first while Texas witnessed California's murder, Texas raved about how it was Alfred but an alibi from Washington and a good piece of evidence Texas wondered if he was sus. He got thrown out. Cassidy was doing tasks and avoiding eveyone like the plague, Torrie trusted Washington not to kill her so when she finished her tasks she followed him because she thought he finished too. Ivan got thrown under the bus and thrown off, everyone was mad sus of him. Nikolai and Cassidy grouped since they were done and just wandered.
Alfred killed Matthew when he was doing his last task and not even ten seconds later Washington killed Torrie.

Sorry it's short, and random. But I felt like it...

What is editing?

Au revoir!

The America/Hetalia one-shot book no one needed nor wantedWhere stories live. Discover now