Request ception.

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I was requested to write a sequel to A Request? So, here we are. There will be Mpreg and there will be fluff. Just an FYI, oh and Alfred doesn't sleep or eat well.

The family of three all moved into Alfred's slightly larger home in Alaska, Nikolai couldn't be happier.

He had both his parents, he could eat Bilini in the morning made by papa and a delicious sub sandwich for lunch made by mama. Then, they often work together for dinner and dessert.

Ivan will hug Alfred from behind as he cooked and snuggle a bit, Alfred in turn will chuckle and blush as he continues cooking.

They cuddle a lot, usually Nikolai is sandwiched in between them. Nikolai loves it, the open affection from both of them.

Nikolai has stumbled upon them making out in the hallway, they weren't very conservative when it comes to pda either. Mostly Ivan's fault because he loves doting on Alfred and he's the jelious type.

Their room was thankfully sound proof, Nikolai was happily ignorant to their night activities. Which is a surprising amount, Alfred is a bit horny all the time.

Anyway, Alfred's been getting better at taking care of himself. Still has a bad sleep schedule, but Ivan kidnaps him in the night these days.

However in recent times, Alfred has been eating more and is always tried. Nikolai thinks it's because he's sick. Alfred has been throwing up a lot.

Alfred and Ivan keep exchanging glances, as if they knew something Nikolai didn't know. Nikolai wondered what that was about, but shrugged it off.

His parents have been chatting quietly in the night. Talking about something Nikolai never really got to hear about. They also seemed to touch Mama's stomach a lot.

A few months passed and Alfred didn't seem to get any better. Nikolai was a bit worried, what if Mama was really sick or something. He asked Papa and Papa told him not to worry and it'll all be explained soon.

Nikolai also noticed Alfred has been taking on a bit of weight especially around the mid section. That's good since Mama is basically a stick but the rate was alarming.

When Nikolai asked, they shared that damn knowing look and told him everything was okay and that it'll all be revealed soon. He was getting tired of that excuse.

Answers came when they returned home with an envelope in hand. Both had smiles on their face as the entered, holding hands.

They saw Nikolai sitting on the couch and sat in the chairs opposite. They exchanged glaces before smiling at Nikolai.

"Sooo, we have some news!" Alfred said and Nikolai almost gulped. They were smiling though so it couldn't be that mama was terminally ill or something.

"Good news, don't worry little one." Papa said and Nikolai just became confused.

"You see Niko," Alfred takes out some photos from the envelope and hands them to Nikolai. Nikolai can't make any sense of the blurry black and white image. "You're a big brother!"

Big brother rang around in his head, his eyes widen and he looked up at his parents that were beeming at him. Nikolai looked down at the picture once more and he realised that it was what's inside Mama's stomach and that the small blotch was his new sibling.

Nikolai had never considered such a thing, his parents were unofficially divorced in a way for some time. Yet, now they were together again. He never thought about it but, as he considers it he realised he had always wanted a little sibling. A smile grew on his face and he looked at his parents with genuine excitement.

He then looks at Alfred's belly where his new sibling resides. There wasn't much of a bump, but you could see the extra weight.

Nikolai stood and crossed the living room, he looked at Alfred in a silent request and the American nods. He gently places his hand upon Alfred's belly, it was firmer that a normal belly, but that was to be expected, and you could feel the small slope of what will be a bump very soon.

Nikolai smiled and looked up at his parents again "I'm so glad mama isn't dying."

Alfred snorted before laughing and Ivan just looks confused and concerned.

Nikolai sat in anticipation, the hospital walls were white and boring. It didn't help the anxiety today brought.

He was supposed to be at school right now, shoving whatever crumbs of useless information he could into his mind. Alfred was too big to drive him to school so Ivan volunteered.

He had said good bye to his baby sister, still nestled in the safety of the womb. She kicked as she usually did but it seemed harder that usual.

Suddenly, Alfred's water broke and they were thrown into the troubles with that. Ivan had donned a pair of scrubs and was in the room where they were having the birthing. Alfred's doctor was there, since she understood his condition as a nation.

Nikolai was apprehensive about meeting his sibling, whst is she hated him? What if he fails her as an older brother?

After what felt like days, results came in the loud cry of a baby. His sister, he realised. She's alive, letting the world know that she has come to rule it.

Sometime later, Ivan opens the door, he props it open as he holds his hand that has deffinatly seen better days. It must of broke based off the bruising. Yet, his smile is just as wide. Nikolai stands up and moves towards the door.

Inside was Alfred on a sterile hospital bed, he looked positively exhausted. He  smiled tiredly at a little bundle of pink in his arms. There were a few cooing sounds.

Alfred looked up at him and smiled at him just as tiredly. Nikolai steps closer and recognizes her pale skin, she has a tuft of sunny blonde hair and she looked at his with wide purple eyes.

She then smiled and coos reaching out to touch big brother. He smiled and offered a hand of which she lantched onto with small hands.

"It's nice to meet you Aniya. I've been excited to meet you." Nikolai says and she coos at him in response.

Nikolai takes the baby so Alfred could rest and soon after the older American passed out. He gently played with his sister and she giggled at him.

Ivan was watching with a proud look on his face, Nikolai will be a good big brother. He then gently kisses his wife's forehead and thanks him for two beautiful children.

A/N- Sorry it's short, but I wanted a story that wasn't 6,000 words long as those are basically everything else that's coming up and I just wanted a break. I hope it was decent I guess..

What is editing?

Au revoir!

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