A casual hate f*ck(smut)

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"I hate you." Ivan said with conviction

"I hate you more Ah!" Alfred moaned

Usually, saying you hate someone and moaning is weird. But, considering Ivan is balls deep fucking Alfred dry, it seems appropriate.

"God you're such a whore. Moaning like that." Ivan said venomously spanking Alfred

"Ah! I'm n-not a whore! Commie -Ah- bastard!" Alfred lost a lot of venom as Ivan fucked him roughly.

Alfred was squeezing around the length rapidly fucking into him at a pace that would make animals jelious. Ivan was being increasingly rough both phiscally and in his insults.

How did they get in this position you may be asking yourself, well its fairly simple. They were at a meeting with the others. It was the middle of the Cold War so naturally tensions were high as both super powers glared at each other.

Alfred would love too nuke those Commies too high hell but that would mean everyone dies. So he settled for making sure Ivan knew exactly how much he hated him.

Ivan wanted to wipe that smile off the capitalists face. He was trying to be bigger than he is da? He glared sharply into the souless ocean blue orbs of his enemy.

The two, did not break eye contact is a silly staring contest. One Alfred was determined to win. The others in the room shifted nervously praying to whatever god or other diety they worshipped that the two didn't nuke each other right now.

The meeting had ended at some point and the other countries were quick to excuse themselves not wanting to be in the tension much longer.

So, the two sat alone in a huge meeting room. Staring more than glaring at this point. Alfred was not eyeing Ivan's buff body, just as Ivan was not eyeing Alfred's feminine curves.

"Stupid commie." Alfred suddenly spit out

"Dumb capitalist." Ivan returned

The glaring continued and both seemed to be communicating their hate silently. Blue locked on violet, and vise versa.

The competition was finished as Alfred broke the table in half with a misplaced blow and too much strength. Ivan would not admit he found that amount of strength attractive.

Alfred pushed the rubble of what might've been a large reinforced meeting table away and advanced on Ivan who was watching rather amused

Alfred got over to the Russian man and pulled him up to his face by grabbing the man's coat. Ivan frowned before head butting Alfred and sending the American towards the wall.

Alfred angled his body so he could push off the wall and back at Ivan for a quick rebound.

The two began fighting, at first it was fists but it turned to the usual pipe and pistol.

It's curious however, how Ivan got Alfred pressed against the wall with a pipe against his throat dangerously close to sufficating the American while he felt the tip of the pistol pointed his head ready too fire.

The two could only glare at each other, wondering who will make their move this time and kill the other. In theory Alf4ed had the advantage since if Ivan started to choke him he could just pull the trigger and yet they were both hesitant.

Ivan yelled in frustration as he pulled away, throwing his pipe on the floor. Alfred seemed suprised but followed suit.

"God damn it! Why can't I just kill you capitalist pig?" Ivan yelled

"I don't know commie, maybe you're just weak." Alfred added even though ue couldn't find it in himself to kill the Russian either.

"You think I'm weak? I'll show you just how strong I can be!" Ivan yelled pressing Alfred agaisnt the wall again.

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