A fourth of July story.

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4th of July is one of the only days Alfred allows himself to be off work. Bosses of the past have tried to get him to stop working for so long but alas he does not accept the time off. They also tried to force him, well that worked as well as it seemed.

But. He will take the day off on his birthday. He however, often forgets his own birthday(But he also never forgets his brothers) and the states take it upon themselves to basically give the most stress-free day possible.

This year, Alfred forgot his birthday once again. Probably due to a string of sleepless nights and too much paperwork for one nation to do.

So, the states(with the help of their pa Ivan) started planning. Ivan casually turned off Alfred's alarm the night of July third. Seeing as they let him sleep as long as possible.

Ivan and Alfred were still cuddled in bed the morning of the forth, Alfred was fast asleep. He went to bed at a reasonableish time last night because the family had rewatched Hamilton on Disney+ and everyone was emotionally ruined because of the sheer beauty. (I couldn't help myself. This story was meant to be current but I scrapped that last minute simply because I don't know what's going on at all really since I haven't left the house since returning home.)

The states, mostly those that could cook the best, were in the kitchen carefully making some breakfast because not even 4th of July could save you if you mess up the kitchen.

Some states, the ones who aren't the best and the worst at cooking, were setting the table, decorating, or some other activity that probably won't get them killed.

Now, with the RusAme cuddle pile in the master bedroom. Alfred was cuddled up against Ivan, fast asleep. Ivan was awake, gently petting the sleeping American's head.

A few moments later, blue eyes flutter open and blink a few times. Alfred yawned and did a little stretch before lying on top of Ivan.

Ivan smiled at the cute American now lying on his chest. He gently grabbed Alfred's glasses and placed them on the blondes face. Alfred blinks a few times to adjust a bit.

Alfred felt there was something wrong, the sun was up and shining into the room through red,white, and blue curtains. He furrowed his brows then looked at the clock. It was 9:13 in the morning.

Before he could properly freak out Ivan pet the American drawing his attention. Ivan gently smiled at Alfred.

"Vanya?" Alfred asks

"Shh, it's okay Fredka. It's your day off remember?" Ivan says

"Day...off?" Alfred said the words as if he had never heard the combination if words in his life.

Ivan chuckled a bit at his wife and sat up more, shifting Alfred so he was sitting in his lap. He then softly said, "Happy birthday Fredka."

Alfred's eyes widened and he looked nervous "That was today?"

Ivab laughed and ruffled Alfred's hair. Alfred fixed his hair with a pout, suddenly the doors burst open.

"Happy Birthday Ma!" Said 70 voices at once.

Alfred smiled at his children lovingly, he adores his children. Even when they do something stupid and get into more trouble then it's worth.

"We made breakfast!" Little Hawaii said running up to them and bouncing into the large bed. Her shadow was naturally by her side, Alaska jumped into bed with her.

"You did? That's lovely," He smiled "hope you didn't mess up the kitchen" He glared at the others over their heads and the elder children sweat nervously.

"Come on Mommie! Breakfast will get cold!!" Hawaii said dragging Alfred out of bed.

Alfred smiled as one of his youngest basicslly dragged him out of the room, he felt Lin latch onto his leg. Ivan watched amused while carrying Alaska on his shoulders.

The other states followed behind, they made it to the rather large dining room and Alfred was pleased to see the table was set nicely.

Then, breakfast began with red and blue fruits and berries served freshly in white bowls, pancakes and wafflea piled high, and of course mountains of cereal.

The Canadians were popping by later on. For now, it was just the Americans and one Russian.

After breakfast, the family went out to go enjoy the festivities. American flags were everywhere and just for one day everyone was an American. Even those that deny it.

Alfred was walking around happily with a stroller and Lin attached to his leg. Ivan was also there pushing another stroller. They were being incredibly domestic as they walked around the park.

Any nation who didn't know, wouldn't have a jaw if they say them acting like this. The states were meandering behind, in their best behavior as the day is supposed to be stress free.

A few humans were watchung curiously, wondering what was going on. Many brushed it off as a summer school/daycare trip thing or a tour.

After their walk, the returned home and the Canadians appeared and suprised them. Alfred hugged his brother and lifted him into the air, Matthew thought he was gonna die.

Then, they had a barbecue because yes. Alfred was making the food because it was a tradition. Burgers and hot dogs galore.

Naturally, Torrie hoarded all the potato chips and so everyone else had fries or some other type of side. Cassidy will admit she stole one or two chips from Torrie.

Then, the cake was brought in and like 80+ people sang happy Birthday to Alfred.  Alfred blew out the candles, wishing for nothing to happen to his babies.

Then, a whole lot of presents were passed to him and he opened each one. England of course sent his "scones". One of the younger ones mistook it for coal and used it in the bonfire.

France, apparently taken up knitting as a hobbie because Alfred also received a sweater from him.

That night, Ivan and Alfred sat alone on the balcony together watching the fireworks. Well, Ivan was watching Alfred but whatever.

The kids, of course, were going haywire. The one time a year they had permission to blow sh-tuff up.

Alfred leaned his head against Ivan and continued to watch the fireworks. Ivan drapped an arm around his love and pulled him closer.

"Happy birthday Fredka." Ivan whispered softly

Alfred smiled at him for a second, his attention was caught by a large firework. The expression of wonder on his face was so cute.

It was times like this that Alfred could just forget the world, and just be happy. A feeling thay has been rare these days.

A/N- I'm so, so, SO, sorry that this is late! I was playing 7 days to die again with the fam all day long and I was busy having fun with them. Due to me wanting to post it as soon as I can I didn't even read it over so the spelling is gonna be worse than usual.

What is editing?

Ay revoir!

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