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Ivan woke up slowly, he wasn't in his usual waking position. Instead of on his side, he was sprawled out like a starfish on his stomach. He looked up and soon realized he couldn't see 2 feet in front of his face. A second later an alarm went off. He furrowed his brows as he didn't have an alarm like that.

Ivan goes towards the noise and slams down on something. He hears something splinter apart and the noise stops. His hand drifts and find a pair of...Glasses?

Ivan hesitantly sets them on his face and the world comes into view, he freaks as he sees a large room full of stars and stripes. He looks down at himself and found tan arms rather than his pale ones, he was wearing a white shirt and blue shorts.

He stumbles slightly out of the bed, feeling odd at the strange height. He looked at the bedside table and found an alarm clock broken to smithereens. He saw a mirror in the corner and walked over to it. He looked in the mirror and saw blue eyes looking back at him.

Ivan realized he looked like...Amerika. The blue eyes widen and in the American's voice says "Blyat."

Alfred woke up and didn't find the fact he was in his side was weird. No, he was still tried from dealing with the states all day and paperwork all night. "Great, I woke up before the alarm again." He mutters not noticing the Russian accent.

He sits up and stretches before looking for his glasses. He furrows his brow when he finds air and finally opens his eyes. The first thing he noticed was that he can actually see! This was directly before the fact that this isn't his room and probably was even his own house.

He jumped out of bed with an energy he did not have and bounced over to a mirror, he looked at himself for a solid minute before saying "Oh god dude, I'm like totally Russia." in a Russian accent. I'll let you imagine that for a second...

He then cartwheeled over to the closet and dressed up like Russia, scarf and all. He smiled in the mirror, full of energy for some reason. He looked at the clock and found it saw that it was actually noon rather than the usual 6 in the morning. That explains it...Or maybe it's the 10 five hour energy's he chugged last night...

Alfred finds some sunglasses with sunflowers on them and placed them on his face. "OMG, he looks awesome in these." Again, a Russian Accent.

He then slammed the door open happily, scaring the usual three people and startling Belarus. He smiled at them a little too widely for Russia and said proudly "Yo, what's up dudes" Insert dramatic scarf flip.

The Baltics and Belarus all had an expression of WTF on their faces. They were just gawking terrified at the picture before them.


Ivan hesitantly went to leave the room and looked around the double doors seeing a bunch of open doors in a large hallway. He freezes as he sees a lot of children tiredly leave said rooms and stumble down the stairs. Unless they're Bianca, who literally rolled down the stairs and went back to sleep at the bottom. 

"HOLY SHIT THERES LIKE 70 SMALL CHILDREN HERE!" Ivan whisper-yelled terrified 

"You okay ma?" A voice asks and Ivan jumps ten-feet into the air.  The voice belongs to a very worried Spencer(D.C).

Ivan is low-key freaking out at this point. drawing the attention of more states. Spencer put his hand against Ivan's well Alfred's forehead. "I think you're sick or something ma."

"Welp, you know what that means." Said a voice, belonging to Shaun(Massachusetts) holding the 'Sickness restraints' 

Ivan was then tied to the bed by the Thirteen and put under constant surveillance.

The America/Hetalia one-shot book no one needed nor wantedWhere stories live. Discover now