The prince they no longer bullied...

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This is for my friend offical_Michigan. A continuation of The Prince They Bullied.

"I'm the crown prince of Amquera. I am to be king the day after I graduate." Alfred says and Ivan let's go in his shock.


Alfred ran when he had the chance, he didn't want to see Ivan's hurt. He didn't want to see how he would react. Ivan was reasonably shocked. It's not every day your crush, who you've known for years, tells you a huge secret.

Usually, when someone claims they're the crown prince, you don't believe them, but Alfred can't lie to save his life. Alfred was telling the truth and Ivan knew he was. Actually, it was a miracle he kept it secret for this long.

Ivan looked around but couldn't find his love. He wants to prove to Alfred that it doesn't matter and that he means everything to him. He's completely gone. He seemed to be gone with the wind like he was never there. Ivan was worried.

Alfred disappeared as quickly as he could, he stumbled behind the back wall of the school and was breathing heavily. He pressed his hand over his face to stifle his breathing. He grabbed out his phone and shakily requests he is taken home.

His brother pulls up because he did text him in his fright. His big brother would calm him down, he always did. Maybe it was his calm nature and sympathetic looks. Alfred stumbles into Mattie's car and buckles himself in. He shuts the door and starts to cry. Matthew is immediately worried.

"What's wrong Alfie?!" He says in his usual soft tone, Alfred just starts sobbing.

"L-let's just go home," Alfred says

"Alfred, what's goin-"

"Mattie, please." Alfred sobs pleadingly

"Okay, but your not off the hook," Mattie says softly. He starts up the car and they drive off.

On the roof, Ivan watches them leave. He wants to be with Alfred and now he knows for sure that Alfred loves him back. But, there's no way he could get into the castle. Not without help. He was basically just like any peasant and the royal family isn't open to peasants.

Ivan feels his heart start to break but he refuses to give up, he loves Alfred. No matter the baggage or duties that come with it. He will be with Alfred no matter what, that is a promise he intends to keep.


Alfred was quietly sobbing in his seat, he softly wiped his tears. He thought of Ivan doing it for him and he started crying harder. Ivan was so gentle when he wiped his tears, as if he was afraid he would hurt Alfred. It was so cute for a man that instills so much fear in others to be afraid to hurt someone a little lower than the ground they walked on.

He loves Ivan to the moon and back. Alfred feels his heart-shattering as he thought about Ivan and what he had just done. The last bit that kept him going was Ivan, the small part that was keeping him alive. His chest hurt painfully and he grabs his shirt where it hurts, right over the heart. 

The floodgates open and he starts to sob roughly, not seeing the worried look on Matthew's face. He wipes the tears but they just kept coming, like a dam that just broke and was now flooding the town full of people. 

This was for the best, Alfred tried to convince himself. Ivan would find someone who isn't fat and piggish. Someone worth being with him. What Alfred didn't know is Ivan wanted nobody else.No one could ever have that piece of Ivan's heart, seeing as Alfred stole it.

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