And as Rose looks at her Doctor, grinning and proudly talking about his TARDIS, Rose can't help but feel that she is exactly where she wants to be. 

London, England- 2020

"Sherlock! Can you keep your science experiments out of the fridge!" John shouts. 

Sherlock chuckles and unfolds himself from his chair, making his way to the kitchen, where John has laid out an array of candy. 

"What's this for?" Sherlock asks. 

"Trick or treaters. It's Halloween." 

"Is it?" Sherlock asks. John nods, an exasperated expression written over his face. 

"Yes, Sherlock. Don't tell me you've forgotten about Halloween."

"Shut up, John."

"The candy is for the trick or treaters. You do know what trick or treaters are, right?" John gives Sherlock a small smirk, and Sherlock growls. 

"Of course I do, John, I'm not an idiot." Sherlock says, his face burning up. John's smile slips a bit and he walks over to Sherlock, and presses a kiss to his lips. 

"What was that for?" Sherlock asks. 

"I dunno. I wanted to." John shrugs and smiles up at his boyfriend, right as the doorbell rings. 

"Can we just ignore them?" Sherlock asks, his eyes not leaving John's lips. 

"Unfortunately not." John leans up and kisses Sherlock's cheek, before grabbing a handful of candy and heading downstairs. 

Sherlock smiled as he watched John go, remembering all the Halloween's he was by himself, and thinks that this is a big upgrade. 

Camelot- 800 AD

Merlin grumbles through all his chores, like he normally does, ready for this day to be over. 

There's a feast later tonight, to commemorate the dead, meaning Merlin isn't going to sleep until after midnight, because he has to be at the feast, then make sure that Arthur gets back to his chambers all right, which Merlin feels is unfair. He's Arthur's servant, not his babysitter. 

He puts Arthur's clothes away, and starts picking up all the papers. 

"Merlin, good, help me get dressed." Arthur walks in and starts stripping, his clothes sweaty from training. 

"First, sire, you need a bath." Merlin pinches his nose and starts filling the tub. Arthur growls. 

"I could fire you, you know." Arthur says. "Insolence is a crime."

"Sure, Arthur." Merlin says, and gestures to the slightly steaming bathwater. 

"Get my clothes ready for the feast." Arthur orders. Merlin nods, his face heating up, and he turns away, and starts laying out the clothes. 


It's well past midnight as Arthur stumbles down the hallway, leaning heavily on Merlin. 

"Thank you, Merlin," Arthur slurs as they make their way slowly up the stairs to Arthur's chambers. 

"For what, sire?" Merlin asks, desperately trying to keep his face neutral. 

"For everything. For risking your life to save mine." Arthur murmurs. 

"Arthur, you're drunk." Merlin replies, feeling his face heat up. 

"I know what 'm saying." Arthur slurs. "Thank you."

"Any-anytime." Merlin stutters nervously. Arthur stops, and pulls at Merlin's arm. 

"Merlin." Arthur's eyes flicker down to Merlin's lips, and stumbles forward, mashing their lips together. 

"Arth-Arthur, I can't." Merlin says, the words slicing a knife through his heart. 


"You're a prince, you're drunk, you're going to regret this in the morning." Merlin ticks off the reasons on his fingers. 

"I'm not that drunk, Merlin." Arthur says and brushes his lips against Merlin's. Merlin bites his lips and grabs Arthur's hand. 

"C'mon, sire, let's get you back to your chambers."

"Happy Halloween, Merlin." Arthur murmurs, resting his head on Merlin's shoulder. Merlin flushes.

"Happy Halloween, sire." 


I loved it so much tho

I hope you enjoyed

please vote share and comment any ideas ships tropes you want to see!!!

Happy Halloween!!!

XOXO Valkyrie

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