Supernatural AU

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I'm going to be honest, I don't think in my many many many oneshots written, I've ever done a Hogwarts AU... 

(You may correct me if I'm wrong, however, and you'll get a shoutout)

So now coming to you from Cliche City, is Supernatural at Hogwarts

*faint sounds of clapping*

right, so exciting. 

So let's do this.

Dean's POV

"So, Cas, what's the agenda for today?" 

Cas is my best friend, and also a miracle worker. He memorized both his schedule and my own, and it's only impressive because I lost mine day two of year 6. 

"You have double transfiguration with the Ravenclaws, then double potions with yours truly." Castiel grins,  and bows his head slightly. I laugh and slide into a seat next to him. 

"One day, someone's going to yell at you for always sitting with the Hufflepuffs and never the Gryffindors." Cas says, but we both know that that's never going to happen.

I've been sitting with the Hufflepuffs so long, a good 80% of the sixth years know me personally. 

Maybe 85%? 

"Dean, are you listening?" Cas pokes me in the side, and I frown. 


"Dean, I barely touched you."

"Rude." Cas sighs, and stabs his sausage with his fork. 

"Are me, you, Charlie and Sam going for lunch today?" Cas asks. 

Every couple of weeks or so, Sam, my younger brother, Charlie, Sam's best friend, and me and Cas sneak out for lunch at Hogsmeade. 

It's a well oiled machine, filled with trickery, and some magic. 

"Yeah. I'll talk to Charlie, since we have Transfiguration together, according to you, and she'll talk to Sam, and we'll meet in our usual place."

"Great. Now, Dean, you and I have our classes to get to, or else we'll be late."


"I cannot believe you ordered firewhiskey to-go!" Cas hisses at me as we head to potions. "Flitwick is going to catch you and you are going to get detention for a month."

"A month's not to bad. It could be a lot worse." I laugh. Cas growls at me, and speeds up to potions. 

"Hey, wait, Cas!" I call, but I continue my leisurely walk to the dungeons. 


"Today we are going to be brewing Amortentia. Professor Dumbledore didn't think you all were ready for this, but I think differently. I managed to convince him, and here we are!" Slughorn laughs heartily, before writing the page number on the chalk board. 

"Get together with your partners, and by the end of the period, I expect fully functional vials of Amortentia."

I look over at Cas, raising my eyebrows hopefully. Cas sighs, and opens the book with a lot more force than normal. 

"Geez, Cas, any more force and you'll break the table."

"Not now, Dean, I just want to get this done." Cas mumbles, before heading to the storage closet to get the ingredients. 

I sit there in stunned silence, wondering what I did wrong. 

Castiel's POV

Sometimes I just can't deal with Dean. 

It's bad enough that in the six years we've known each other he's done over 100 dangerous and reckless things with no regard for his safety, but then he acts like he's done nothing wrong. 

Like he's the perfect person, and everybody on the entire freaking planet would want to either be him or be with him.

Stupid Dean Winchester and his perfect face and his perfect freckles and his smooth words and I just want to kiss him on his stupid perfect lips. 

Which I definitely haven't noticed. 


I gather all the potions ingredients in my arms and walk back to our table, setting them down with as little force as possible. 

I read the instructions and start adding the ingredients that it tells me to, with Dean sitting on stool, doing nothing. 

"Dean, could you, I don't know, help me!" I demand, stirring the mixture four times clockwise. 

"But you're doing fine on your own." Dean says, slumping forward onto the table. "Plus I'm tired."

"You shouldn't have stayed up so late with Melissa then." I grumble, more to myself than to Dean, but he still hears me.

"What do you mean?"

"It's nothing. Just... can you please do something."

Dean sighs, and stands up, reading over the instructions and grabbing a vial. 

He shakes a bit of it into his hands and adds it to the pot. I stir it again, and the mixture turns clear. 

I ladle a bit of it into a vial, and set it down in front of our work station for Slughorn to see. 

"Well done boys! This is very well made!" Slughorn picks up the vial and inspects it. "Now can both of you tell me what you smell?" Slughorn smiles.

I nod and lean forward, taking a whiff of the potion. "I smell old books, the Hufflepuff common room and..." I sniff the potion again, and feel my face heat up. 

Oh, I really don't want to say that. I think to myself.

"Cologne." I mumble. 

"What did you say, dear boy?" Slughorn asks.

"Cologne." I say again, still very quietly, in the hopes that Slughorn will just ignore it and go away.

"Could you say it again, please, Mr. Novak?"


I look around, realizing the whole room has gone quiet.

"Sor-sorry. I'm just...I have to...bye." I stammer, picking up my bag and running out of the potions room. 


I told you it was cliche. 

i thought it was good though. 

please request oneshots!!

thanks for votes and reads

XOXO Valkyrie

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