Sherlock BBC AU Pt. 2

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John's POV

I stare at the swinging door as my best friend leaves the room. My face is bright red. 

"Go after him," Molly says, motioning at the door. I stand up and race out of the room, the music and the noise of the party hitting me the moment I leave the room. 

I run into the front lawn, looking for my dark-haired friend. 

"Sherlock!" I call. 

"What do you want?" Sherlock steps out of the shadows of the wall. 

"We need to talk." I push. 

"Do we? You made me come to this party, and then we had to kiss." Sherlock spits. 

"Why are you acting like this?" 

"Because they knew that I liked you! Donovan, Molly, they all knew! And they still made me kiss you. Just to torture me. Because I'm a freak." Sherlock says, his face contorting in pain. 

" like me?" I stammer nervously. Because I paid Donovan. I asked her to do this so I could talk to Sherlock. 

Because I like him. 

"Yes, you idiot! I have since freshman year, and you haven't noticed. You even went out with Mary for a short time! And it broke my heart. Every time you came to school holding her hand, whenever you kissed her. Because I wanted it to be me! I wanted to be the one you were kissing. I wanted to be the one you held hands with and it wasn't me and I just-" Sherlock rants. 

I lean forward on impulse and kiss Sherlock on the lips, interrupting him. 

Sherlock gasps. I pull away and grin. 

"For all your deductions, you never realized I liked you two. I dated Morstan to make you jealous, but you didn't do anything. And I thought I was wrong. That you didn't like me. So I paid Donovan and Molly, but she was no help. And I thought maybe today I could tell you, but I realize this wasn't the best way." Sherlock laughs.

"It really wasn't." I smile, and grab his hand. 

"Wanna go grab dinner?" I ask. Sherlock nods eagerly, and together we walk away from this party, our interlocked hands swinging between us. 

Part two!!!! 

I hope you liked it! 

Please please please request fandoms or ships or anything! There is a list at the start of the book of the fandoms I can write for. 

Please vote and share and of course comment what you would like to see!!!!!

Love you all!

XOXO Valkyrie

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