Episode 15: Day 42

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Fuck, fuck, fuck, I haven't got a chance to find what I'm looking for, I've been trying to look for bleach, & grape's, But this is none, It's been like 50 Something Day's there all most Likely Spoiled By Now, Time Is 1:07 P.m. Update is that these Bad Fruits Calm Down the Zombie Cells, I've been Taking My Research Place to Place, John fortunately Found a Guy named Dr. Piper. He's a chill guy, but he's really old, but despite oldness, I think he's the only one who can actually save these people who are infected my next move sort of is to find a Plane that works, but first I wanna focus on finding people in each state of America. I'm hoping I can save atleast 400 People Before I leave, Let's hope there's that many people left, we Also need a whole lot more then just me and a Plane, I don't have a pilots license haha. I'm gonna try my hardest to find a Pilot and a Aircraft Handler, You know the people who fill up gas for planes, we need to make it all the way to Europe, So we can live a good full feeling life.

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