Episode 14: Finding The Cells: Day 39

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This is day 39, I have been thinking on what is the cell's in Zombie's, I killed one Outside. I've Been Looking Through This Blood, and It seem's like these Cell's are as Of Cancer? Kinda Weird If You Ask Me, Time Is 8:52 A.M. What of cancer is Transfered by the saliva, that or he could of had Cancer with the "Vaccine", Wait. I'm back at my house in North Carolina, I know someone WHO NEVER HAD CANCER! "BINGO" he said to himself. My neighbors kid, I'm Sorry Little man, He then kills the kid, and Sees that the Kid also Had Cancer in his Blood, Roger Said "There's No way?!" He was healthy, so Its the People with a Weaker Immune system?, or... how does this Virus Work I need A Drop of My Blood, Though I'm immune. Roger pokes his Blood On A Tray, and Get A Zombies Blood Drop, His Blood then Kills the Zombies Cells through the Microscope, I Need to go Back to Harran, I Need to find a Doctor!, hey do you remember me John?, John said "Yes, What Do You need?", "I need to find a Doctor, and Not the ones in or near Owensboro they tried to Rip my head open while i was ASLEEP!

2033: The Z-VirusOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz