Episode 1: The Havens And The Claws

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When I woke up I heard someone say "you wasn't supposed to get up yet." I then passed out by the impact of his punch. (2 Hours Later...) I was up, I woke up with this burning sensation on my side. Someone was cutting me. I took the knife out, I assumed they went to go somewhere or they got attacked. Soon as I took that Knife Out I ran straight towards the Window. I see 4 People By this silver truck. I hear one saying "I've been watching these people, that seemed to be immune, it's weird!" I then see and hear the bald one talking with what seemed like a Motorcycle gang shit or Jacket. He said "No way that's even slightly possible!" the one that talked earlier said "Well we can go back to the Medical center and see if we can track anymore there. 3 of them agreed one said "I want to stay and get this one guy's kidneys, we're gonna eat good tonight boys. 3 of them drove off, but one was coming for me, I had a Plan and it was soon as I heard him coming upstairs, I jump out, but I knew the Ice that was in the bathtub with me would be so loud! I then just got up, and Jumped out the window ontop of this bald guy, He said "You wanna fight weakling?.. come at Me!" "Gladly" I said with a Smirk. He then swings his Right fist to the left I then duck down and put dirt in his eyes. I grab this brick, soon as he starts looking for me I Smash it over his head. He's knocked out, So I ran into the house on the right instead of the Apartment they all where in. I tied him to a chair, I super glue his shoes to the floor, Just In-case. He wakes up, and I ask him "What did you need from me?, even though I know the answer, but I wanna see what you say.

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