Episode 8: Day 7

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I am at a farm. I've been asking people if they can locate me to a hospital called owensboro hospital, They said it's about a 42 minute walk. They said I go straight, take a right. keep going straight, then take a Left and I'll be there. So I drove, and drove for about 19 Minutes. Went Straight, Let Me Tell You The Hospital looked abandoned. I entered it. They told me I can go to sleep in room #182 and my code was 6042. I went to bed time is 6:59 P.m. I have a Weird feeling for some reason like a HUGE FEELING that something terrible is about to happen, I'm gonna keep on praying to God that I don't die, cause that's what feels like what's about to happen. I keep on having flashbacks to when I was little and my older brother would play this game called Left 4 Dead, it was Fun, unfortunately he passed before this virus, I wander if he would've blamed me for this whole mess, it's a crazy and massive almost world wide situation, and I'm sure this got across countries cause 1 out of thos 100,000's of Patience went to a Different Country Other then the Americas.

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