Episode 13: INVINCIBLE

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John then drives back to Greensboro in North Carolina and Asks Dr. Piper on the Walkie Talkie "Hey where are you guys at?" The Walkie Talkies having static and no communication. "Damn batteries" said John. John then went to a store near him. He walks in and has a Disturbing feeling. He finds Batteries and picks up a 24 pack of Double-A. He walks out of the store and soon as he does 2 Thugs pop up saying he's with them. "Freeze or we'll shoot" Says on of the Thugs behind him. John then pulls a pin off a grenade with his forefinger he counts to 3 silently. 1... 2... 3!!!, he then throws it behind him, and Runs Out. Soon as He does the whole place Explodes right behind him. He Runs to the Truck, seeing a whole horde of Zombies infront of Him, he then shoves all the Zombies as if there like domino's all falling down. He Then jumps into the Truck, and sees Roger awake. Roger asks "Where am I, and My Stuff!?" John then says "YOUR ALIVE!?" John then says "You was Shot in the head and fell about 30 or 40 feet in the air." "What happened exactly i blacked out soon as i hear a shot" Asked Roger. John then explains to Roger that soon as he got shot in the forehead he turned into a freakish guy with glowing yellow-ish eyes, and bit and Kept On Clawing, and Punching Tyler. Roger then said "am I one of those things?, or when I'm pissed off it turns me into one of those things?, or am I one of those things when it appears I'm dead?" John then says "it's fine your not any of those things, also it looks like your wound is healing."

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