Episode 2: Kanibalistic Kentucky

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It was horrifying, there was People chuckling Near Me, I heard them say "We Gotta Another One!" Or "We're Gonna Eat Good Tonight", I was wondering What they was talking about, and I saw one with sharp teeth looking at me smiling and one licking their teeth, I knew right then and there, I knew what they was talking about, Their fucking cannibals, and Their gonna try and Eat Me, I Was thinking to myself how the hell am I gonna get out, but I then realized every gas station, or most gas stations has a Latch, like for security purposes, they have a Latch on top or A Window Latch in a Bathroom, I Looked everywhere On Top, But there wasn't even a single one, so I decided to go to the bathroom, I saw a fat guy with an Axe, chopping down between my legs, he then got his axe stop, I then tackled him onto the ground, he was crying begging me to stop, But I then punched him until he was knocked out cold,I think took his Axe out of the ground then chopped his head off, I then threw it out of the window, the cannibals were horrified, and they said "No way he Escaped that", I ran out of that window, asking them "who wants to go next?", they all then backed up, and then I walked straight back to my Buggy, half way there, One jumped right ontop of Me From Behind, and Trying To Bite Me, But I Jumped And Fell Onto My Back Crushing Him and All Of His Bones, His Friends Or Family Looked At Me Crying Saying "You Killed Cameron, You killed him" "I'm sorry but it was self defense y'all aren't like actual humans, y'all are as bad as those monsters!" Roger spoke out.

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