Episode 8: Right 4 Life

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4 Months Later:
These days... are long journey's are ahead of us. Journeys we probably didn't know existed. John.. he's not dead but he might be Infected. If he does Die, I'm the one that's gonna have to kill him. Though it doesn't make since since this is my Doing I'm immune, but I also turn into some type of beast.. like a Werewolf or something.. this whole thing just doesn't make since to me... I'm so confused, my head hurts. I've been thinking of everything that's happened everything feels so real.
The American government is the reason we're in this situation. It's also Partly My Fault that this happened. Only if I never made that damn cure. Wait... the CURE!, Wait a Minute.. wait, Wait. This Is Day 670 Something I think, Anyways My Cure for Cancer Could've Been also the Cure for this but I don't remember what I had. I have to search my house. I Gotta tell the others that I gotta find important documents. I pulled out my radio and said "John, watch over everyone I GOTTA GO, AND FIND MY OLD DOCUMENTS!" "Okay" said John.
I found a Horse and got on her. I rode into North Carolina Expecting a whole horde of Zombies, Monsters, Wolves, Or Something. Nothing, The City was.. TO QUIET!, I didn't wanna let my Guard Down, But I also Feel safe? My heart stopped, but not in away I was frightened my breathing everything. I dropped to the floor off of the horse. And I saw this Flashing Blue Light. Like a light that tracked against the road. Like as If Someone Or Something Scanned It With A Flashlight. I then get back on the horse and Passed Out. The Horse Brought Me To This Random House In the Middle Of Nowhere. I went to the house and Opened the door...

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