Episode 1: No Room In Hell

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I was on my way to Kentucky to find a Guy named Berserk, he was Claiming he was Immune but Not By Blood, but as if he was immune by this Blue and Red Powder that floated through the air, it was a Smoke Grenade, and These Monsters Can't Smell You through It which is reasonable, I'm assuming they sense you by smell, more then by hearing, I've been shout at, and No Zombies came, Maybe there Hearing Noise Is Less Worse then those in a Video Game, They Heard the Explosion, But they didn't hear the shots, So I'm confused on a Lot of what these Monsters, Yet I'm Intrigued, Its very cool, but at the same time sickening. Anyways back to the Smoke Grenade, "HEY!" I shouted, the Zombie seemed to Look around but not for the Noise I made, But the sense Of Blood?, So Zombies Can Smell Blood More they Can Then A Humans Flesh "This Is very good info, Thanks Berserk, this helps" I said "Ugh.. Yourwelcome" Berserk Replied. "Well I gotta Go Back, Do You know anyone Immune to this Virus by Blood?" I asked "I do, But He's All The Way In Brazil My Friend, Which The Virus Could've Spreaded There." "Damn I won't have Enough Gas For that" said Roger. Berserk said "Try Your Best and Do Your Best". "I will" said Roger, Roger then Begins to Go Back to another Gas Station just to see its going Dark, He then Gets gas, and Goes into a Gas Station, Just to See It Nearly Empty, The smell was Sickening, it was as If there was Dead Fish or Dead Animals Laying For Weeks, Month Or Even Half A Year, It was a Nasty Metalic Smell, It was Strong, But No Monsters, Nor Animals Where Dead, They Where, Their All Humans!, Not Infected, Or Bitten, Or Even Clawed, They Where Bitten, But Not As If They Where Bitten By Zombie, More Of Like they were aten!

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