Episode 10: FINALE

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I go back out my door, just for my surprise to see a man who hit me with a gun. I woke up about 2 hours later, and Seen a Man, it was damn Tyler Bundy. I pretended I was still knocked out. Then one of them try to cut my arm off I reacted fast by taking the knife he had in his hand Slitting his throat after taking it. I picked up the Pistol fast and Shot 4 of Tyler's men. I ran up the stairs, Just To see a Chopper, I shot Tyler and The Helicopters propellers. I said gotcha bitch. I Ran up to Tyler and Said any last words? He said "Fuck.. You."
"I'll see you in hell too" I then shoot him in the Head. Then blood splattered. Green blood was everywhere On my shirt. Then everything glitches out like I was in a Video Game. The floors started shaking and Nukes started being sent off. NO! I said "NO!!!" Why the hell did it have to come this. Please God let everyone be safe, this is all my fault, Help please. I heard something in my head "Experiments, Experiments." I was truly scared for everyone even me, even though i try not to think of myself at all. I woke up in a Mysterious liquid, and this type of Caged pod, the liquid looked at is as Blood I felt so light headed. I was, I was in a simulation the whole time. "Noooooo!"

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