Episode 13: 'THE CURE' Day 28

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Day 11: Time Is 7:15 A.m. The cure was a plan to Nuke the world or to test out brain's for a cure, but the GFA which mean's the Government Federal Administration. All they wanted was money. So my so called Cure for Cancer was a cure for cancer. It was a cover up so that the Government could get paid. I asked myself why?, But then I realized they only gave this to American's no one else!, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia Every Continent is Still Around Beside's North & South America, Despite The Vacations, They made sure no one went there who got the Vaccination. Everyday I kept blaming myself, It was the Goverments plan all along. It's bullshit. This is my story I am Now Living in a Mansion. I am sad, Cause this world is crazy. I don't think there is one single way to go to another country or another place, but I wished I could just wake up just to find out it's a Dream, But this ain't a Dream this is a Reality, You know I'm not perfect, but nor is this World, God please help America please go into the Normal State, as I said in the beginning this is the Ending.

2033: The Z-VirusOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora