Episode 2: Lost and Found

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He said "we was gonna eat your kidneys, and... possibly your liver." "You guys are fucking disgusting!" "Yeah well you gotta do something to survive" said this bald-headed man. "I know cannibals that are more civil then all 4 of y'all combined." Said Roger. "Well thats not my problem" The bald-headed man replied. I then tape his mouth up. I poked him the same exact place he stabbed me. You can tell he wanted to scream, but I didn't kill him. I told him "See it doesn't feel good, So next time don't do it!" Also your friends aren't gonna be back for quite a while considering we're 2, 4 hours away or even a day. So I'm gonna get you something to eat, but all I have is 4 eggs, so I'm gonna boil them, I also have salt." I gave him all the food I had and left to Wilmington. I then see 2 people screaming ontop of a parking garage. I climb up there, but then my senses came In and I had a worse blackout and headache then before. Roger turns into the same old creature but with a full form of a Werewolf. He then uses his claws to climb this big car garage, he Climbs for about 20 Seconds and is Up there, The 2 people up there were shocked. They thought about throwing something at Roger, but they just let this big creature stay. There was this Giant Gorilla throwing stuff at these girls but kept missing. Roger then starts running towards this Gorilla he then slides under a boulder. The biggest Boulder this Gorilla threw at Roger was the easiest thing Roger punched through. The Gorilla had a look on his face that said "oh shit." The Gorilla then knew he fucked up, Considering Roger punched it off the Building. Roger then passes out.

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